Uterine polyps and Tamoxifen - conflicting views


I have a question about treatment for uterine polyps. I had breast cancer 10 years ago and after surgery and radiotherapy was prescribed Tamoxifen. Last November I had post menopausal bleeding and 2 hysteroscopies. After the second hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic the surgeon spoke to me to tell me that she could not do what she wanted as I had multiple polyps and would need a hysterectomy. She had removed two samples for biopsy and after I chased it up the results came back as negative. After a three month wait I had my follow up appointment today. Unfortunately due to an administrative mistake I was booked with the wrong consultant and not the one who performed my operation. The consultant I saw told me that in her opinion no hysterectomy was needed unless I had multiple episodes of bleeding. I have no bleeding at present.

I explained what I had been told previously by the surgeon and she is going to contact her. I now feel that I am in a dilemma as I was fully expecting I would have to have a hysterectomy and don’t understand why the surgeon who did the operation told me I needed one. She did not say I would need one if the biopsy results indicated cancer. She just said that I needed a hysterectomy because I have multiple polyps.

I have had the worry of this since November and while I do not want to have to have another operation I don’t know what to believe. How can two consultants at the same hospital have such different opinions? I should add that since having the breast cancer I have also had thyroid cancer and completed treatment for that a year ago. I am trying very hard to stay positive, but it just seems like one thing after another. It’s hard not to feel that cancer will get me in the end.

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    It can be really frustrating and confusing when different consultants have different opinions. They may both have their own perspective based on their experience and interpretation of your case. But you mentioned that the consultant you saw yesterday is going to speak to the other consultant. Hopefully, she should be able to clarify things a bit more clearly for you.

    You've been through a lot and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed but hopefully you will know more soon.

    Give us a ring if you would like to talk any of this over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
