Positive new would like to share

Good news I have to share! After a 6 month stint of chemo then chemoradiotherapy I'm delighted to say I'm clear!! PET scan shows zero sign of cancer. For those warriors out there dealing with the strain the treatment takes on you, don't give up! Stay strong, keep positive, there can be life after cancer, you can get through this. I told very few people when I was diagnosed, as the fear in their eyes, the pity, the 'so very sorry' as if I had a death sentence dented my own inner strength and made me doubt that I could survive it. Google is the WORST thing you can do (please avoid as I was dead according to that search), and staying positive you will get through it is key. I have to say that at the end of it, it was a struggle to lift my head off the pillow to go in again for another radiotherapy hit. My neck was blistered and raw, my energy levels were zero, I felt nauseous, weak, and beaten. I'd lost nearly 2 stone in weight, half my hair and eyelashes, and was just exhausted. I was so finished that I wanted to sleep for a week. As just before Christmas I think I pretty much did. Within weeks though my energy started to return, and slowly started healing as was ulcerated throughout throat and mouth so had been zero foods orally for months. I started to feel better. It's taken time but I'm back at work part-time, feeding tube and PICC line removed, my hair and eyelashes have grown back thicker, I look healthy despite slimmer (LOVE the weight loss now as needed that off for a few years, but not a recommended route to lose it!). I have my life back and booked a postponed holiday as soon as got the news. For all you lovely warriors out there, keep positive, you've got this, and I'm cheering you on all the way. It's a damn tough path but it will be worth it in the end. Jx