

I am at hospital with my husband. An urgent referal straight from GP this morning 

His referal letter says likely new malignacy ..i am really worried

Should i be ? 

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    It's completely understandable you are worried about your husband in this situation. GP's  arrange for patients to be seen urgently at the hospital to investigate their symptoms, find out what is wrong and if it could be cancer.

    Most people who are referred urgently will not have cancer, but if your husband does have cancer, early diagnosis and treatment is key. We have information on our website on being referred urgently.

    Easier said than done, but try and keep an open mind for now. I know waiting when you are worried is stressful, but hopefully you'll both know more soon.

    Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over.   The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
