Are plastic dental retainers a cause of cancer?


I have been wearing a plastic retainer at night for the past two years following removal of my braces. I have recently become concerned at the safety of wearing these long term. They have been made with medical grade plastic and are BPA free. However, I am concerned that materials in them and long term wear could make them a carcinogen.

kind regards 

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I think worries like this can sometimes get the better of us. While plastic retainers made with medical grade materials are considered safe, the best thing to do if you are still worried is to discuss this further with your dentist or orthodontist. Hopefully, they can reassure you about this.

    Regular check ups can also ensure the health of your teeth and gums while wearing the retainer.

    All we can ever do is our best to manage the everyday risks around us and try and follow a healthy and active lifestyle to maintain our health. Dwelling on risk can often make us worry even more. So try not to let this prey on your mind overly and instead focus on the here and now. 

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes,
