Melanoma concerns

( Im 16year old pale female, i always avoid sun so i dont understand this change ) I dont think images can be attached, but on my upper thigh I have a mole I have had for years which is normal. However around a week ago I noticed a small darker brown circle inside it which wasnt there before. The circle doesnt protrude its just a circle of a darker colour. The mole doesnt quite look symettrical but I cant remember if it ever was fully symettrical. Im worried and afraid to tell my grandma because she might dismiss it.

  • Is it melanoma or am I overthinking?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that you are worried about your health. Unfortunately, we are unable to diagnose your condition. The best advice I can give you is to visit your GP, or voice your concerns to a trusted adult and discuss your worries with them. In most cases, the symptoms/explanation will be caused by something other than cancer. But it is always sensible to get any problems you have checked out to be on the safe side.   At your age, getting cancer is extremely rare. So, the likelihood of having cancer is very low. There are various types of skin cancer, but most of them grow slowly and do not spread.

    I hope this reply is helpful. If we can help in any other way please do contact us again. If you would prefer to speak to one of the nurses directly, you can telephone us on 0808 800 4040. We are here from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

    Kind regards,


  • thank you, i have told my nan and hopefully will get a gp appointment tomorrow.