Last cold capping

Hi my last chemo and cold capping is next week. My oncologist has given me go ahead to book a last min holiday but my question is will my hair be ok in the heat as I’ve managed to save 80% of it cold capping? 

  • Hi Charlie,

    I am delighted to hear that your oncologist has given you the go ahead to have a holiday. It is great to hear that the cold cap has been so successful for you. I haven't had chemo, so unfortunately, I cannot answer your question. Have you asked your care team about this? They should be in the best position to give you an answer. 

    I hope that your last chemo goes well and that you have a lovely holiday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hiya, i have just completed my 5th of 6 chemo treatments. Used the cold cap for 2 sessions but then decided I could no longer endure it on top of the treatment itself.  Buzz cut my hair about 8 weeks ago so not much on my scalp now.

    I asked my specialist nurse about holidays and sitting in the sun. She said to go ahead and book a holiday but chemo treatments affect your skin for about a year afterwards.  She advised to always sit under an umbrella or in the shade when the sun is out and always apply factor 50.

    Good luck to you x

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    It would be sensible to wear a hat in strong sunshine, and use a gentle PH balanced shampoo. Your scalp may be more sensitive for a while after having chemotherapy drugs. There are some scalp/hair products that you can leave in, or rub in, that may help. Sometimes chlorine in swimming pools can also irritate the scalp, so may be use a swimming hat. Using a high SPF 30 to 50 suncream/sunstick, paying attention to face, ears, and hairline will help. 

    It is difficult to know how sensitive you might be, as everyone varies, but best to take some measures for comfort. 

    Wishing you the best,
