
my daughter has completed 6 rounds of ABVD chemo she was in remission after 2 rounds but her pet scan after treatment finished showed activity, this was biopsies but came back negative, she has had another pet which showed the last activity spot is decreasing but now a few other spots have appeared, she is due to have a biopsy soon just wondering if anyone has any experience of this happening?

  • Hello Billy007 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your daughter's situation and I can understand how unsettling waiting to hear the results from the different scans. 

    Every case is very individual and it is really only the regular CT scans that can compare one with the other and a biopsy that can give the doctors more of an idea as to what is going on.

    You have posted in 'ask the nurses but if you post on another thread then you may get more responses from other patients going through a similar situation.

    I am not sure how young your daughter is but there is a charity called Blood Cancer UK and they offer support and help for young adults.

    I wish your daughter all the best and hope you know more about her biopsy results soon.

    If you would like to ring and chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
