Hello, I have read that there is a newer version of the PREDICT Breast (3.0) that includes the impact of radiotherapy.  Does anyone know if this is or when it may be available.  Thank you

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I can see that the newest version of the PREDICT 3 breast cancer tool has been recently assessed in clinical studies.  However, I cannot see when it will be made available to the public or clinical staff.

    I am not sure if it will help but you could try contacting the team that devolp PREDICT, you can see their contact details on the PREDICT trial website.

    I hope this helps. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hello, PREDICT (v 3.0) is already online and recommended for use by developers at Cambridge University. However, my oncologist says it has not been validated / adopted by Breast Care UK, so he is using the previous version (v 2.2) to recommend my treatment Plan.

    My problem is that when I use the new version with my specific data, I get a completely different outcome that shows additional benefit of <3%, where chemotherapy is not necessary, whereas the old version gives a benefit of just above 5%, meaning chemo is recommended. This is a huge dilemma as I don't want to go through chemo if it is not required.

    Can anyone help to confirm if the new PREDICT version (3.0) is yet to be validated in the UK? Do you know what objections the UK clinicians or Breast Cancer Care may have in using the new PREDICT model, as I can't find anything on this? 

    I would really appreciate your help.

    Katay x

  • Hello Caroline 

    Thank you for your prompt reply. PREDICT 3 is already online and available to the public and clinical staff with the developers endorsement of reliability, based on the new features and the larger population sampling over 10 and 15 years.

    I have already written to the developers of PREDICT at University of Cambridge, so I will see if I get a response and then I will post it.

    What I want to know is what the clinical staff's objection could be for not using the latest version.

    kind regards,


  • Hello Katay and thanks for getting back to us.

    I am afraid I do not know why the latest version of PREDICT is not being used in the NHS it may be because the research behind it needs to be peer reviewed.  However, Cambridge University which has co founded PREDICT should be able to tell you.

    I hope you hear from them soon.

    Take care


  • Offline in reply to Katay

    Hi Katy, I’m no expert but I read the papers validating the new version. While far less important, I have the similar queries regarding exemestane. The new version shows it to be negligible in terms of survival.  Could you ask for a second opinion at a centre of excellence? Somewhere like the Royal Marsden.  I think it takes about 2 weeks but hopefully it would give you time to understand a little more so that you can make the best chance for yourself. Or, message Liz Oriotdan maybe?

    The very best of luck

  • Offline in reply to Helly

    Hi Helly,

    Thanks for your comments. I have messaged Dr O'Riordan as you have suggested. I will see if I get any further information on this and will post it if it is useful.

    Take care.