

I am due to start chemotherapy for breast cancer. 

Please could any share their experiences.  I'm a nervous wreck, unsure whether to carry on working etc... scared of the side effects etc.

Is the pain really bad?

Any experience would be much appreciated. 

Thank you 

  • That's awful but I'm glad you mentioned it. Hopefully you'll hear back soon. If not, I would recommend you ring them up and chase this up x

    I know what you mean, hopefully you will get the answers to the cold cap soon. We have enough going on without having to chase hospitals xx

    What's the dentist for?sorry, I'm asking because I didn't get asked to have one x

    Thank you.  I will keep you posted xx

  • I had to chase them up to start letrozole as they never sent the letter to my GP thankfully I only waited a week until I got in contact, and they sent a electronic message to my GP who called me that afternoon saying it would be available for pick up a few days later.

    The oncologist said I needed the dentist to check my jaw bone .... when I mentioned that when my BC nurse called me, she had no idea why that would be required but said a complete Check up yes, just to make sure I don't have any issue needing sorted before chemo as chemo can affect your mouth.

    When I was in for my first lumpectomy, it was meant to be a day case, I'd get out that same day but they had to keep me in over night on oxygen and a drip. I only noticed the week after that my discharge papers showed I was discharged at 3pm same day as my surgery with no adverse affects. I wasn't even out of surgery by 3pm.

    I mentioned it to the BC nurses in an email they said they had sorted it and the ward doctor sent their apologies.

    2nd lumpectomy 3wks later.. the nurse was going through pre op things and asking me about my first lumpectomy and no where on my records did it say I was kept in overnight, or why . She said "good job we ask the patients " I contacted the nurses the following week and got an upitty reply from one saying any medical person has access to my records and can see that they have been updated.

    Well they weren't on my day of surgery or the nurse would have known I was kept in. As it happens, I was kept in once again and on a drip and oxygen. Apparently anesthetic likes me too much and they can never get me fully awake. Thankfully because it was already mentioned to the nurse at the pre op. They didn't bother waiting hours to see if I'd be up and about and put me on the ward in my own room till the next morning. 

    Honestly it doesn't make you have faith in your treatment when these things happen.

    I waited 6wks for the results of my 2nd lumpectomy when I queried why it was taking so long a BC nurse replied that the time off at Christmas and the pathology lab moving had held up things.

    I was thinking oh great this is just my health... nothing important!

  • Hi, appologise fir the late reply.

    I know how you feel. You feel like your health just doesn't matter. You haven't had much luck and yes, it doesn't give you much faith with further treatment.

    I wasn't asked about a dentist appointment.  I had blood tests, heigh and weight done. 

    Im actually cant wait till the 1st round is done. Im nit syre wgat im going to do about work yet though. I onky do 4 hours a day so i might be able to continue for a bit depending o. What symptoms i get xx

    Did you hear back from the breast nurse Regarding the cold cap? Xx

  • Hello ,I also had to have dental checkup ,apparently the Bisphosphonate infusion which I have to have every six months now for three years can cause jaw necrosis .This infusion is to stop bone secondaries and osteoporosis.I haven’t had any side effects xxx

  • Hi Anjaya, I'm doing great at the moment, thank you. Go out with hubby for a 2 1/2 mile walk most days, which strangely seems to give me more energy. Still no hair loss so far, keep giving it a little tug in the morning just to check, stupid I know. I have my next treatment on the 25th and a port being fitted on the 4th of April. Would have preferred to have had the port fitted before my next treatment, but there were no appointments available. Hope your treatment goes well on Thursday, hopefully your side effects will be minimal, like me. Let me know how you get on. Xx

  • Hi. I have been having chemo since the beginning of December 2023. Two weeks on and one week off.

    I have a mixture of Cisplatin and Gemcitabine for Bile duct, Peritoneum and Liver Cancer.

    sometimes I’m tired afterwards, other times I’m not. Sometimes headaches but nothing bad. Different from day to day, I don’t know why. 

    Listen to your body is all I can say and rest when you need to, which I find really hard to do because you want to do things when you have energy then I end up floored and in bed for a day to rest. 

    I did think it would be a lot worse than this but, honestly it’s been fine in my experience. Thankfully.

    We are all different and I wish you well.

  • No, nothing but I got a reply to my email about my dentist appointment being fine.

    I think they often forget that they are so used to all of this but us a as individuals this is new to us.

    Please keep us updated xx

  • I'm pleased to hear you're doing ok despite everything with minimal side effects.  Good to see you out on walks too xx

    I will keep you posted xx

  • I totally agree with you xx

    I will do xx