Basal Cell Carcinoma Nose Bridge-APPALLING NHS treatment.

Hi good people.

Long story short, I was referred by my GP to hospital for a photo of a 0.3mm x 0.3mm lesion on the bridge of my nose in July 2023.

I had a photo taken in a Clinic 3 weeks later (was supposed to be no more than 2 weeks according to NICE buy hey ho) but then Health Harmonie forgot about me for 5 months until I called as it was getting bigger.

After complaining, chasing, getting the Ombudsman and MP, all who were totally useless involved, I had a Biopsy but they kept me waiting for 8 weeks for the results. I finally saw a Dermatologist, again after going ballistic at them on the phone as they wanted to offer me an apt 6 week's away, she confirmed that I have a 7mm x 7mm BCC and now am awaiting an apt at the end of March to see a Plastic Surgeon. This will be to excise it or refer me to hospital for MOHS Surgery. 

The thing is this thing is getting bigger and I do not want a simple excision and then have to go through it all again if the results come back that they didn't get all of the Tumour, MOHS is much more reliable.

Can someone please advise for this size of BCC on the nose bridge, as there is hardly any flesh there to patch it up.

Should I push for MOHS or let him remove it if he says he can at the end of March.

I have ZERO faith in the hospital or the NHS to manage this or their Medics, so I'm doing it all myself.

All as the Dermatologist said was to wear Factor 50, how much was she paid for that bit of enlightenment.

Of course if I had £5k spare I could have MOHS next week, but I'm a poor NHS Mental Health Crisis Charge Nurse, so no chance.

Skin Cancer treatment is absolutely SHGOCKING in the miserable UK.

Thanks so much,


  • Haha, oh believe me, my humour stops faster than a bullet through Trump's thick ear when I'm dealing with the NHS, I will indeed!

    I hope you get on well too

  • Wondered if you got any further. I had an appointment with dermatology about my 2nd lesion but they said I've to wait 6 months for some healing before looking at it again. I'm booked back in to see them. Still got my dent, sometimes I think it looks slightly better. Dermatologist said it will improve in the 6-9 month period after surgery, so that's December onwards. Hope things are improving for you. 

  • Hi there,

    Many thanks for asking. My bump is the same. I've decided to leave it all now. I haven't had a follow up appointment as they promised and I cannot be bothered to keep chasing it. I've decided to accept the things I cannot change. 

    I can't have any more time off work either.

    Unless we're rich or Royal in the country we're just left with the scraps of a completely broken health service.

    I was very hopeful that Labour would have some innovative strategies to fix it but clearly they are all in it for themselves too with all the freebies etc. I'm very disappointed with Wes Streeting.

    It doesn't bother me now really.

    I do hope yours continues to settle down.

    If you fancy a job as a duo in a circus just let me know hahaha.

    Kindest regards 


  • I finally got a Mohs appointment as I took a cancellation 2 months ago but they would not do the op as my blood pressure was too high!  I am now on a Plastic Surgery waiting list so who knows how long I am going to have to wait now

  • Hi bccsufferer,

    Sorry to hear of your delay. Have you tried calling to see how long the waiting list is? 

    I'm also on the plastic surgery waiting list from when I saw the GP in July. I was in a terrible state about the appearance of my nose. I'm still waiting, but also due to go back to dermatology about my other lesion in February.  I'm wondering if perhaps both might tie in. Doesn't feel right to be moved to the end of another waiting list. 

    Hope you hear soon. Let us know. 

  • It's absolutely shocking isn't it. Dogs get better treatment than we do in this country.

    Take much care and I'll let you know if I get any updates.

  • The plastic surgeon I saw said he couldn't do it so I was referred to Maxillofacial. Cosmetics are not their thing. 

    I hope you hear from them soon.

    I'll keep complaining to Pals and the ombudsman but it gets you nowhere.

    Take much care.