Breast cancer

Hi I’m new to this whole thing 

I have a referral for the breast clinic in Liverpool I’ve only just turned 22 but the doctors were quite worried as I have a lot of symptoms for breast cancer and some of my bloods come back abit dodgy.  Anyone who’s been to the breast clinic what happens there, how long r you in there, how till u know if it is, what sort of tests do they do 

sorry I’m a massive over thinker and worrying 

  • Really depends on the individual.

    They will do another mammogram, you’ll wait whilst the specialist compares that again the original mammogram. If it is suspicious they will do an ultrasound and biopsy. These procedures don’t take long, it’s possibly the little wait in between that adds up. Once you’re complete you will be taken to a room with a nurse who will sit with you as long as you need, until you’re ready to leave. My appt was 8.45am, following all of above I left around 11.40/45 am. 

    I did look at people come and go, so if everything is ok with mammogram you’ll be out with 15/20 mins. 

    I skipped in thinking I’d skip back out and head to work, in hindsight I would have felt better if my husband or a friend was with me. Maybe take day off work/studies so that you’re not putting any pressure on yourself. 

    Good luck, try and not think too much now. Xx

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    It can be a worrying time being referred to a breast clinic, but it's important to bear in mind that the majority of women referred to breast clinics are not diagnosed with cancer particularly at your young age because breast cancer is much more common in women over 50.  

    At the breast clinic you will be examined and will have an ultrasound scan. A needle biopsy is usually suggested if the scan shows changes in the breast that the doctors are not sure about. This does not mean that anything is particularly wrong but the biopsy will usually confirm what it is. Mammograms are not usually taken under the age of 40 , as the breasts are still very dense and the results are more difficult to interpret. You really do just need to wait to be seen , as no one can say what this may turn out to be.

    The charity Breast Cancer Now has information on what to expect when you’ve been referred to a breast clinic and you can read this information by clicking here.

    I hope everything turns out to be okay. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
