Is 25mm thickening womb anything to worry about?


I'm beside myself, I have suffered from heavy periods all my life. Last year the thickening was 19mm and I had a Hysteroscopy but made no difference and the last year my cycles are worse and longer and all over the place.  I'm 47 so unsure if this anything to do with perimenopause and not one doctor has mentioned menopause to me. 

Yesterday I had a scan at 4pm and the Doctor called me at 5.30pm to tell me that the thickening was 25mm and will refer me to a Gynaecologist within 2 weeks.  I only wanted the Mirena coil fitted but now I have to wait.  Anyone else put my mind at rest, anyone experienced the same as me?

Thank you.


  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am very sorry to hear what is happening, and I can appreciate that this is a worrying time for you.

    However, please remember that the thickening of the lining of your womb does not necessarily mean you have cancer.  You may need to have more investigations to see why the lining has thickened and you might still need to have the Mirena coil fitted but wait to see what the gynaecologist has to say

    Hopefully, some women will be able to share their experiences with you, however, remember we are all individuals so what happens to one person is not necessarily going to be the same for you. 

    I hope you will be okay. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you Caroline for your comforting words. Mita

  • Hi how did you get on. I have just been told that my endometrium is 23mm and been sent an appointment for biopsy Monday  

  • Me too, I had exactly the same. I was then 54 And getting Weird bleeding I might go three months with no period at all then bleed for 14 days straight then a two weeks off then another 10 days of bleeding. my menstrual cycle was all over the place, and even when I was mid period I was still having a very light bloody discharge. It called endometrial hyperplasia and I too had the same coil fitted. this completely stopped the bleeding and I have not had any further symptoms since. touch wood! incidentally they also removed some polyps that can turn nasty.

    I hope that puts your mind at rest.