2ww gynaecology referral for possible ovarian cancer

I recently had ultrasound scans because of periods lasting 2 weeks plus and some spotting. 

The GP called a couple of days ago to say the scan shows a cyst in there right adnexa - she said it could just be a straightforward cyst but it could also be a sign of ovarian cancer. She said this was less likely at my age (I'm 32). 

She has referred me on 2ww for gynaecology and ordered urgent blood tests which I had yesterday.

I have had a text notification of my gynae appointment but it doesn't give any details of what that will involve. 

When I asked the GP they said they might want to do another scan and depending on that maybe a laparoscopy. 

Just after some advice as to what I can expect to happen at this appointment? As there was no instrtfor example to have a full bladder like on previous scan as it was just a text rather than a letter.

Secondly, if a laparoscopy was required to explore/remove the cyst, how long is the recovery likely to take? I am also a bit worried I am overweight and carry most of my weight around my tummy - would that cause problems with a lapatand would it affect recovery??

Thank you 

  • I was referred on 2 ww for suspected Ovarian Cancer on my first appointment which came as a shock I had an internal ultrasound then taken to another room for a Hysteroscopy but I didn't have a cyst or anything just an elevated ca125 blood test and a few other symptoms ,I hope you're ok in my case they removed a polyp fibroid and biopsies but it was all fine in the end .

  • Hi  

    hope you’re okay. I had ultrasound and was called to speak with the gynaecologist to discuss the results. During that appointment, she examined me externally and internally. It was all very quick and painless. She then discussed the next steps. The scan showed a large cyst near my right ovary. I was referred for an MRI.

    Not sure of this is what will happen for you but I thought I’d share my expertise.

    Wishing you well and hear of you ever need someone to chat to.

  • I never had an in person appointment following my ultrasound  (adnexal mass found) but the next steps for me were blood tests and further imaging scans (CT and MRI). I had already had the hysteroscopy on the same day as the ultrasounds. I had a 5.5cm cyst as well as three smaller ones but they believe it to be benign and I was sent for another ultrasound 6 months later (no change) and have another appointment in August to check on the cyst again.  The focus after the ultrasound seemed to be all on the 'adnexal mass/cysts' but it turned out that I also had thickened womb lining, polyps, fibroids so I had biopsies and those removed and the issue of prolonged bleeding and spotting went away. I hope all goes well for you

  • Hello sunflowergirl and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are needing to undergo some tests at the moment and appreciate you having some questions.

    As your doctor has already explained to you ovarian cancer at your age is rare whilst ovarian cysts are common. In most cases ovarian cysts resolve by themselves over time but if cysts are particularly large or causing symptoms they may decide to remove them.

    It sounds like your doctor is being thorough by referring you urgently to gynaecology alongside some urgent bloods. This usually where they check the ca125 that the specialist doctor will then use alongside your age and any features seen on the ultrasound of the cyst to calculate a risk of malignancy index (RMI) to guide what needs to happen next.

    At your appointment the gynaecologist is likely to assess you and take a medical history from you asking you questions about your general health and any symptoms you may be experiencing. They may repeat the ultrasound but this won't always be needed or maybe suggested at a later date. They hopefully will be able to give you some more understanding about what this means for you and what needs to happen next in terms of whether you need more tests, treatment or follow up.

    Try and take things one step at a time for now and not over think the situation until you know more. There is more information about surgery to remove ovarian cysts on the NHS pages here but remember this may not be needed.

    Do ask any questions you have at your appointment and share any concerns you have with them.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks for sharing Jenny - glad all worked out ok for you x

  • Thanks for sharing Sa425. I hope everything worked out of for you x

  • Thanks for sharing Leni. Glad everything got sorted for you x 

  • Hello again - I wanted to update on what has happened since I posted previously. I had an appointment to discuss the results of bloods and scans. 

    I have a 14cm cyst which is being described as 'complex' - the consultant said it had some concerning features - I think he said septations? I have got an MRI booked in and more blood tests to look for tumour markers ( so far bloods all ok). This will apparently help decide if benign or malignant. After saying it had these concerning features, he did end by saying it is still unlikely at my age (32) and that he wasn't especially worried.

    Any info/advice much appreciated about what I can expect going forward. I didn't ask at the time, but what does it mean by septations? Does a large cyst lean towards having to have it removed by open means rather than keyhole? 

  • Hi its good to hear that so far your bloods are not showing anything when I had my CA125 bloods done the test was elevated ,I hope this is a good sign for you and bloods stay all fine ,hopefully someone will have some info on how they deal with a large cyst ,keep in touch .