Right sided varicocele

Been having a on and off dull ache in my right testicle for 6 months so finally went to get it checked and the doctor could feel anything abnormal so prescribed me amoxicillin. I chose to go private for ultra sound scan and he said I had mild right sided varicocele. However my nhs ultra sound appointment finally came through so I went along and they said it was the left side but the pains in the right and travels up my right stomachs so I'm guessing she got her left and rights wrong or though her left was my left etc.

going for a CT scan next week but I'm so stressed with all the threats of if it's right sided it almost certainly means I've got a blockage/tumour somewhere. I'm 30 years old so just want to know if anyone else has had right sided varicocele and lived to tell the tale lol.


also had ultra sound on kidneys and they're normal but could it be a tumour or blockage anywhere else?


please help my brain. 

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you are having. It can be a worry to not know what is going on and it is very easy to think the worse.

    However there can be many reasons for symptoms to develop and most of the time the cause will be something far less serious than a cancer.

    Varicocele's (essentially swollen veins) are common, especially in younger men and rarely linked to blockages, so be reassured by what the tests have shown so far.  

    Unfortunately no one on here can say what the matter is and it will only be your own doctor and possibly more tests that can give the answers you are looking for.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Take care
