Fit test 400 ug/g + abnormal tests. Terrified.

Hoping to hear of some people's experiences where they've had a high result on their fit test. 
Faecal calprotectin test also abnormal. Bloods clear and no anaemia. Dr said she couldn't feel anything in the rectal or abdominal exam. Dr is being really positive and thinks it's IBD but I'm absolutely terrified after reading up on my results (worst thing to do I know!), but the FIT result of 400 has really frightened me. Is it the case that the higher the result the more likely a cancer diagnosis?

I have my colonoscopy booked for Sunday 30th  

Should also explain I'm 43 and I've had bleeding episodes on and off for a few years. Seen a GP several times and on each occasion previously been told it's haemorrhoids or a tear.  Looking back has obviously worried me even more as I'm now wondering whether the early signs were missed. Having massive panic attacks and not sleeping. Don't know how I'll get through to the colonoscopy. 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I can appreciate your concern but I am afraid until you have had the colonoscopy done will you know what is the matter. 

    Even having a high result for both the FIT and calprotectin tests will not mean you necessarily have cancer.  Your earlier bowel symptoms may also be nothing to do with cancer.

    Waiting for tests to be done and then the results can be difficult. Doing your best to keep your mind off this by keeping busy may help.  As well as getting the support of family and friends may be helpful. But googling your results will not be able to tell you what is the matter and may cause more stress and anxiety.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hi all,

    Thought I'd post an update as I found it useful to hear how people got on when I was reading posts. 
    Had my colonoscopy this morning. The whole process genuinely wasn't that bad. Stuck to a very limited low residue diet all week and then drank the movi prep as instructed. It worked as it should and tbh wasn't as awful as I thought it would be - worst thing was lack of sleep. 
    was nervous before the procedure but the wish to get answers took over that really. 
    had the sedation and the whole procedure only took around 30 mins. 
    They were able to confirm immediately that they could see no evidence of cancer and have diagnosed colitis. They have taken some biopsies. - not entirely clear what for but think to determine the type of colitis?

    needless to say I'm very relieved especially after the very high FIT reading so hopefully my experience will offer a little reassurance to others that it's not always the worst case scenario x