Weight gain - tamoxifen

Hi, this is my first post so v v nervous. I've read a lot of posts and articles regarding weight gain whilst taking tamoxifen. A definite take away from this is that weight loss comes secondary to taking medication to keeping cancer away. My question is, can weight loss be achieved whilst taking tamoxifen? If so what regime/plan is best to support this. I feel terrible about 'moaning' about my weight when I know I've got such a lot to be thankful for. I'm happy to work hard, just looking for some help/inspiration.

Best Regards


  • Birdy 

    I started tanoxifen in nov and have gained weight 

    nlt sure if I'm relaxed now eating more or it's the tamoxifen 

    how long have you been taking tamoxifen ? 
    love Lara ️

  • Hello Steph and thanks for posting,

    Please don't feel terrible about moaning, although I am not sure that you really are.  A diagnosis of cancer and everything that goes with it is hard going and reason enough to feel more than moany.

    Although weight gain is commonly reported by women taking tamoxifen, it isn't clear why this can happen or if it is directly due to taking tamoxifen. Fatigue can be a problem with some cancer treatments so that some women may become less active and this might be a factor. Another factor might be becoming menopausal due to the effects of treatment. 

    I am not sure how well studied weight loss has been specifically in relation to tamoxifen, but as far as I know weight loss should still be possible while taking it although it might be more difficult to achieve.  I think with any weight loss plan key things are to stick with it and be patient - sometimes slow and steady weight loss is the best way to keep weight off longer term. 

    It might help to take a look at what another charity, Breast Cancer Now, says about weight and breast cancer at this link.   

    The general advice after breast cancer treatment is that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of recurrence, this means achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, taking regular exercise and limiting alcohol.  So if you are able to, being active is a good thing too and can help you to lose weight as well along with watching what you eat. Breast Cancer Now has some information about exerecise here.   

    The NHS Live Well website has quite a bit of information about healthy living that might be useful.   

    Give us a ring if you want to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are here weekdays, 9-5. 

    Wishing you the best,


  • I've been on tamoxifen for 2 years now. At first the nurses said it wasn't tamoxifen but just my age 53 now. I have gained a good stone and a half. Last year u joined the gym for 12 weeks and not a pound was lost. I also have treadmill in house that I regularly do a couple of miles per day on it. I am not drinking  alcohol anymore and eating healthier.  It is definitely the tamoxifen.  If anyone has any tips to lose weight please let me know. 

  • Debbie 

    do you find your belly is more swollen I look so fat now and only 7 months on Tamox

    i feel lucky I haven't had any other effects but definitely rounder in the middle 

    love Lara ️

  • I feel it is just pure fat on my belly.  Also my face is fatter too. My main side effect is the flushes but the hospital recommended citalopram antidepressants to help with these. I have an appointment with doctor to discuss options. Wasn't wanting to take anymore pills but if it helps me sleep I might try. Hope you are well. Debbie x

  • Debbie 

    I have deffo gained weight the only other S/e is constipated I don't suffer with the flushes as I only take one brand I refuse the others cause I had a new brand and the flushes were Terrible I went back to my normal brand no flushes .

    Maybe it's the brand you are taking i will only accept the tillomed brand 

    I was given a workhardt brand and these were horrendous 

    Love Lara ️


  • Hi Debbie, sorry to hear you are finding it hard to shift the extra weight. The only thing that works for me is watching what I eat (calorie counting, I'm afraid) and physical activity. I'm also motivated by charts and statistics. So I log everything I eat on myfitnesspal.com and/or keep a graph showing my target and actual weight loss. It's b****y hard work! However, I'm not on tamoxifen. Good luck. Amy x

  • I will have a look at this website thanks Debbie 

  • Hey Steph.  

    i gained a stine since my breast cancer diagnosis.  I've only been taking tamoxifen for eight weeks so can't really blame that yet.   Diagnosed mid January Think mine was all the comfort eating and lack Of exercise since diagnosis.   I have decided that im going to start eating healthier and walking further each day with my dog.  I've got rid of all the crisps  cake ect in my house so no temptations. Only a tear a few times a week from now on.  Im Going to step on the scales when I get up. Before diagnosis I was 10 and a half stone.  Last year I was 12 and a half stone before I started losing weight. At the moment im having body issues due to boob after surgery. Trying to find tops that I feel comfortable wearing.  I guess I've just got to learn to love my body again.  I'm hoping that even if I can't loose weight with the healthier eating amd more walking I'll atleast feel better in myself xx 

  • I love your positivity, Ozzy. You go, girl! Hope you get to where you want to be very soon. Wherever that is, just know that you are amazing and have come through so much, so be proud of yourself and love yourself. I hope you are surrounded by people who love you too, just as you are. Take care, Amy x