Red cervix

This may sound silly but I have worked myself up so much and I just need to let it out and here other people's stories. Since having my little girl ( 6months today) I have worried myself I have cervical cancer. When I had her there was an awful smell as I was pushing her out the midwife didn't know what it was and said it could be an infection ( nothing was done about it) it's played on my mind ever since. My periods are slightly heavier and spotting two days before my period. I've now got a pain going down my leg and the top of my bottom. All of this has had me worried. Then today I went to have my smear test and the nurse said my cervix was red. 
PLEASE someone help me I am so worried!! 

  • Hi Emily1210 and thanks for posting.

    It sounds like you have been having a worrying time.

    Often after having a baby, periods can be different and take a while to to return to how they were before.  Sometimes they are never quite the same. 

    There can be many reasons for the cervix to be red and inflamed and most of the time the reason will be something far less serious than having cancer.  Redness in the cervix is commonly caused by something called an ectropion, which you can read more about here. This is when the cells inside the cervical canal grow outside of the cervix. This can lead to increased discharge and spotting or bleeding on occasions.  It can be caused by hormonal changes such as pregnancy.

    It is positive that you have been for your smear test, as this is something that is used to check the health of your cervix, and can detect any cell changes.  You should get the results within a few weeks.  In the meantime, try not to worry too much about it.  Some people find it it helpful to keep themselves busy when they are waiting for results.  There is also some information here about ways to control anxiety and unhelpful thoughts which you might find useful.

    Pain going down your leg and the top of your bottom isn't usually a sign of cervical cancer, it could be something called sciatica.  It can be caused by lots of different things, but sometimes people feel this when they are carrying babies on their hips or after having a baby.  You can read more about this here.

    I hope this is helpful but please do get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You might like to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you for reply!! 

    all what you have said makes comeplete sense and has really helped me to calm down, I just keep reading it over and over. All I've wanted is for someone to say all the things you have. Hopefully my letter will arrive quickly and everything will be ok  

  • I am going through something similar and making myself ill with worry. 

    I went to the doctors yesterday, explained I had been experiencing a few daysbof irregular bleeding but felt it was due to thrush infection which i treated and bleeding has stopped. I explained I have had cervical the last which have bled and been treated with silver nitrate. I was examed and told a small red dot was present on my cervix, doctor said he wasn't worried but would refer me to have it checked.
    Well you can imagine I haven't slept or eaten properly since as I have now convinced myself I have cervical cancer.

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are having some irregular bleeding and are now being sent to colposcopy by your doctor. I understand this is worrying but try not to let your mind go into overdrive.

    Whilst the GP saw a red area as you have said you have had an ectropian before so this is one possible reason for this. Of course at colposcopy they can take a closer look and if needed run more tests to find out more.

    Try and take things one step at a time for now and wait and see what they have to say before panicking.

    Keep yourself busy with other things whilst you wait and avoid googling anymore.

    Best wishes
