Cervical ectropion heavy bleeding

So I had this a few years ago and received treatment, symptoms were spotting in-between periods but nothing major. 


Recently had a very heavy bleed during sex and the doctor said this was the cause. I'm scared to have sex again. Will a few weeks have been long enough for it to settle? Have an appointment at gynae in a week.

I also have hpv and have had for 4 years. Awaiting smear results. Could any of this be linked? Everything I read says ectropion causes spotting and this was a lot of blood.


Thank you 

  • Hello J2023 and thanks for posting, 

    I am sorry to learn that you are unsettled by this bleeding. Unusual bleeding can easily trigger worry or even alarm, but more often than not there is nothing serious the matter.  Even so it needs to be checked out to be on the safe side so it is good that you have a gynaecology appointment coming up soon.

    Cervical ectropions are generally associated with what is described as light bleeding, but this is tricky to define accurately and there could be some variation. I'm afraid I don't know if you are any more or less likely to bleed again during sex after waiting for a few weeks.

    I don't think your HPV status is related to the bleeding. 

    Ectropions can be treated if they are causing troublesome bleeding so do ask about this when you go for your appointment. 

    Give us a ring if you want to talk anything over.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around from 9-5, weekdays.

    Best wishes,
