My gynaecologist has said I have to have a hysteroscopy. I have thickened womb lining and a fibroid apparently.
I have had to stop my hrt (because of the thickness of the womb lining) and am back to being the suicidal and depressed, sweaty fat old cow I was before taking it. Although hrt didn't alleviate the bleeding or the depression, I had Norethisterone for the bleeding .. My doctor is a bit useless to talk to really.
I have always had heavy periods. I went to the Doctor about 12 years ago to describe the mess I went through and he basically told me to shut up. never went back to the doctors for help.
Smear tests hurt like hell so I stopped going ago and if one more person tells me to get a mirena coil shoved up there I might scream at them. I don't want one. I have had 3 c sections and i have never been in labour.
Basically I am refusing the hysteroscopy. It's not happening, ever. Tbe gynaecologist is calling me on Friday afternoon to see if she can change my mind but I won't. I want to know if there's a blood test to screen for markers or can MRI pick up endometrial cancer so I can ask if I can have one of those?
What are the alternatives? Surely there's another option to test for endometrial cancer other than this degrading barbaric act?
I don't trust anyone in the medical profession. My first c section, my spine was damaged by the anesthetist and now I have no feeling topically from my chest to my knees. I don't trust that my dignity will be respected (it certainly wasn't during previous operations,) nor do I think that asking someone to stop once you have started to experience excruciating pain should be suggested.
Come on, there must be an alternative? If not then, I'm stuck because I am not having an hysteroscopy under any circumstances.