IBC? Rash on both breasts?


I am wondering if anyone can help..

Background- BRCA2 positive, with a strong family history of breast cancer. My mum had a really tough time, she was first told that she didn't have breast cancer, then called back, as they didn't take a big enough area to biopsy and turns out she did have breast cancer

About 3 weeks ago I developed an itchy rash on my chest that quickly  moved to my breasts and spread rapidly, I have a nasty painful and itchy red rash on both breasts. My left breast seems swollen and the nipple has retracted, it has a slit.

Long story short, my GP urgently referred me and I had my appointment on Friday. I was examined and then sent for an ultrasound. I laid on the bed in the ultasound and before I was even scanned the doctor said 'this is a rash from your bra', so I felt that instantly i wasn't going to receive a thorough examination. I said, 'no it isn't and explained that I hadn't changed anything'. The ultrasound was over very very quickly, I then waited to be called back in by the consultant.

He said I have slightly enlarged lymph nodes- left armpit, but that my problem is a skin problem. I asked him well are you going to biopsy the skin lesions, he said no because he is not a skin doctor.

I went away feeling very frustrated and worried. I have read so many stories of misdiagnosis and also that IBC isn't always able to be disagnosed from an ultrasound. I am worried and wondering why he didn't offer a skin punch biopsy considering the history and that the nodes are enlarged. I just feel that I was completely dismissed and don't really know what to do next.

I am wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with IBC and experienced a rash on both breasts?


  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm sorry about your family history of breast cancer and that you are now worried about IBC because you have a rash on both breasts.

    IBC is a rare cancer and when it does occur it usually affects one breast. I'm sorry you didn't feel reassured by the breast specialist at the breast clinic. But they are experts in all breast conditions. If the doctor that examined was concerned in any way they would have discussed this with you.

    If the imaging scans are clear a biopsy is not usually done.

    Lymph nodes can be raised for various reasons, such as a local skin infection, or a blocked or inflamed lymph gland (lymph node). Sometimes lymph nodes come up in response to a recent bacterial or viral infection elsewhere in the body even when a person feels well. It can take several weeks for them to go down and sometimes they may never go back to their original size.

    If you are still worried and do not feel reassured by the breast specialist team perhaps you should go back to the GP who referred you to talk about your concerns. Usually they would get a summary letter from the hospital with any test results and the conclusions of the specialist.

    I don't know if anyone else will come along and post but even if they do, it might not tell you much as each situation can be different.

    Give us a ring if you want to talk any of this over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello did you find out in the end what it was? I think you have to be persistent with gps