Lower left back pain and electric shock like sudden pains

Hi, I've recently started having lower left back pain, and sudden sharp electric shocks across my lower back. Along with swelling in my right leg. My smear 2 years ago was clear following the removal of the below. However, these symptoms are new to me. 

Historically I've had highend CIN 3 cells removed, along with several ovarian and cervical cysts (PCOS Sufferer) should I be concerned about these new symptoms? 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms that your are experiencing.  We can't diagnose you but it is always a good idea to get any new symptoms investigated. Do make an appointment with your GP so that you can be assessed.

    Most symptoms won't be as serious as cancer but it is always a good idea to get to the bottom of what is causing them.

    Your new complaints may not be connected to your past medical history.

    I hope that you know more soon.

    All the Best,
