Core biopsy information

Hi, I wonder if anyone can answer my question I was wondering if it should only be a doctor that performs a core biopsy?
Or can it be performed by another member of staff? I am asking because I had a terrible experience where they did a punch biopsy, a total of 14 times and it was two women that they called advanced practitioners.
They didn't get any of the samples they needed. I was battered and bruised and had to go back and had to have a more advanced corkscrew biopsy this time done by a doctor. I have complained and not heard anything back yet but I was wondering if anyone could give me any information

  • I've had a core biopsy done and it was done with a doctor and with guided ultra sound. I've also had fine needle biopsy done before hand and again done by a doctor with. Ultra sound to ensure it was carried out safely. 

    im not sure if it has to be done by a doctor but depending on where the biopsy site is located in the body it would need to be a pretty skilled person who carried out the procedure.

  • I did think it was rather strange. I did ask the person at the time. She said she had 10 years experience in the breast clinic but I didn't think she was qualified enough to do what she did and to have 14 core biopsies on your breast is terrifying and painful. Thank you for your response. 

  • As a breast cancer patient,  I've found it quite common to have an advanced practitioner or consultant radiographer perform biopsies.  They are very qualified (and probably do more biopsies than some of the doctors) and certainly wouldn't be allowed to do them if they weren't.  From what I understand,  certain lesions are more difficult to sample than others, microcalcifications for example, so more biopsies need to be taken so they can be sure they've got a thorough sample.  I was warned at my initial biopsy that results could be one of three things, cancer, benign or that the pathologist would need more tissue to get an answer, so I don't think it's that unusual to need another biopsy. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your experience and how it has made you feel. It is difficult to know what happened in your situation. Even with the most experienced  Advanced Nurse practitioner or  doctor it can be difficult to obtain a biopsy.  The nurses involved I am sure  would have been supervised until they were found to be able to perform the procedure.

    It is interesting to hear what other members of the forum have experienced.

    The UK have guidelines about the training undertaken by Breast Cancer Nurses which you can see here

    If you feel that you still want to talk this through with the doctors then perhaps you could mention it to the breast doctor when you speak to them about your results.

    If you feel that it would be helpful to chat this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are more then welcome to do so.

    We are here Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, Freephone 0808 800 4040.

    All the Best,
