I have been feeling unwell lately. Saw my GP on Friday and explained my symptoms which are mostly tiredness and weight loss. I am having tests later in the week. Without waiting for the results my GP told me that his opinion is that I have Pancreatic cancer. Surely it was wrong of him to say that so prematurely? He has terrified me. Does anyone have any thoughts please 

  • I find the doctors speculating before you have had any tests quite unbelievable! 
    There could be many many reasons for your symptoms. 
    I'd try not to worry until you know what you are actually diagnosed with by a specialist. 
    seems insane to assume anything at this point. 
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 
    Good luck and stay positive worry will only make things feel so much worse. 

  • Thank you so much for your response. I agree with you totally. My tests start at the end of the week. I really appreciate your reply 

  • Hello there

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you have and appreciate that going for tests and awaiting the results can be an anxious time.

    It is unusual for any doctor to suggest a diagnosis without test results so it is difficult to know where this comment has come from.

    However as others have said on here try not to over think things until you have some solid information. Symptoms are often caused by a range of conditions and only further tests will identify the reason in your case.

    I hope you know more soon.

    Do get back in touch if you want or need to.

    Wishing you all the best


  • Thanks for your reply and good wishes


  • oh my goodness my gp has done exactly the same and I have now gone into anxiety attack.  My gp diagnosed me over the phone and as we now have access to our consultations she has put me down as having pancreatic cancer pre any tests.  I have had an ultrasound and it is all normal