heterogeneous lesion In Ovary

I had a scan which advised that my right ovary is enlarged and contains a heterogeneous lesion and appears to contain droppler flow within. I have free pelvic fluid and my endometrium is thickened (18cm)

please could someone answer if possible.

What is a heterogeneous lesion? what is dropper flow? Should this have its own blood flow? 

what does free pelvis fluid mean please?

has anyone had thicken endometrium and not be cancer? Is 18cm bad?

im currently on the NHS pathway awaiting hear more. Do you have tests straight away or do they send for CTs etc?

thanks in advance 




  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm sorry that your ultrasound scan results have shown that you have an enlarged ovary with the additional features you mention and can understand why this is worrying you. But I'm not sure if anyone other than the gynaecology team will be able to shed more light on your situation.

    Nurses are not trained to interpret ultrasound scan reports and the things you are asking about look like the sort of descriptive terms that these reports usually contain. I do know that endometrial thickening can have many different causes and you can read more about this on an NHS website at this link. But I'm afraid I can't tell you what the other features you mention might mean.

    I appreciate having to wait for more clarification is worrying but I hope your appointment comes through soon and that everything turns out ok. 

    Please give us a all if you want to talk anything over, our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around weekdays 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Nattahlee

    hope you have had your tests done. Please keep me updated with your progress and results. I'm 53  coming up 54 but back when I was 51. My journey started. 

    I had a hysteroscopy in 2019 for 11mm lining all turned out clear and mirena coil fitted. I still bled monthly but very light for 3 years.
    Then 2022 Feb I got breast cancer. Treatment finished End of June and mirena coil was removed. I bled heavy so was sent for transvaginal scan. Showing lining at 16mm. Now waiting for urgent referral. I am so scared this means more cancer. 
    Has anyone been ok after a thick lining 

  • Thank you. I have appointment later this week with a specialist so will let you know what is said. Definitely push your referral if you've not heard or been seen within 2 weeks as mine is coming up 3 weeks plus as my Hopsital is behind.


    im only 33 and it's been difficult few weeks, but try to remain positive until you know more. Did they find anything else on your scan? Have you had bleeding prior to scan? 

  • Thanks for reply Nattahlee

    i had a coil fitted 3 year ago and I've bled every month. Although very light. Prior it was very heavy and painful. 
    they did find two small simple cysts they said in kvary but weren't worried about them 

    hope you hear today  I'm expecting to hear about app for biopsy this week 


  • Thank you. I went today, and she said did I have someone with me and for them to come to room. There was a cancer specialist sat in room too. 

    Basically said biopsy had come back with some concerning things including abnormal cells from small sample taken.  She said could be endometrial cancer but I need MRI to check to see if low grade / contained etc. Best case is it’s precancerous cells and likely endometriosis. I need to consider future plans which maybe more biopsies and having hysterectomy but will need to discuss due to having heart condition etc. she said when MRI comes back then she’s speaking to MDT teams about next steps / action plan then will see her.

    In meantime I have specialist nurses contact details if need to speak about it or have any questions. 

    My heads abit of a mess, a lot to taken in at the moment.  X

  • Hi Nathalee

    im so sorry to hear this news. Hopefully the mri will shed a better light. Was all ok with your ovaries and is it jyst contained in womb. Is your li ing 18mm not cm. 
    there is good prognosis caught early. I'm still waiting for my results they gave me a ca125 blood test. for cyst on my ovary. These are the results I'm waiting for. Feel sick with nerves. Should receive them this week. 
    Fingers crossed you get the mri soon. And will be able to make decision about hysterectomy x 

  • Hello there and thanks for updating us with what is happening with you

    This must be a difficult time for you with all sorts of things running through your mind. Hopefully you will have the MRI scan and a plan of what needs to happen next very soon.

    Times like this are never easy but try and keep yourself as busy as you can whilst you wait as this can help and try and look after yourself the best you can. I hope you have a support system around you at this time to help you through.

    You know where we are if you need us and if you have any more questions do get back in touch. The helpline is also open for you mon-fri 9-5 if you prefer to talk over the phone on 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you the very best
