Cervical polys vs cancer

So i had a abnormal smear come back and got sent to colposcopy where they said it all looked fine and had my sample tested again but it came back abnormal again and so because of the fact my mum and sister both had it they removed some cells then i started having blood in my vagina after i pooped they said it was normal and everything was still fine the follow up smear was negative pheww finally over nope then i got a groth on my vulva got sent back to gyno the said looked like a wark and sent me to a clinic for treatment and i started bleeding after pooping again they confirmed it was a wart but now suspect i have a polyp on my cervix so back to colposcopy i go but i am terrified the bleeding is getting worse and im scared to have sex with my husband because if it hurst its just one more thing to worry about im 38 with a 4year old i have lots to worry about already i am so scared any advice 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    It is never easy going for different investigations and I can understand how unsettling it can make you feel.

    We can't diagnose you but if it is a cervical polyp as the doctor seams to think it could be, these can be usually easily treated.

    Chelsea and Westminster hospital have produced some useful information about how cervical polyps are treated which you can see here

    Try if you can not to overthink it all if you possibly can. Polyps are common. If the bleeding gets any worse then do have a chat with your GP to see what they advise.

    All the Best,
