Urgent referral to a breast clinic

Hi so I went to the doctor two weeks ago because I found a breast lump, it moves when pushed and I think it's been there a while. I've been told its a breast mouse. I'm so worried. My appointment is on Thursday and I am just wondering what they do? I really hope I don't have to have a biopsy. The doctor told me because of my age that they will examine and do an ultrasound. Please help someone, I'm so worried. I'm 31

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    At the breast clinic you will see a breast specialist or specialist nurse who will examine you. You will have  an ultrasound  and possibly a mammogram. A needle biopsy is only usually suggested if the scan shows changes in the breast that the doctors are not sure about. This does not mean that anything is particularly wrong but the biopsy will usually confirm what it is.

    Waiting when you are worried is very stressful but the majority of people who are referred to the breast clinic are found not to have breast cancer. The organisation Breast Cancer Now has information on what to expect when you’ve been referred to a breast clinic and you can read this information here. 

    I hope everything turns out to be okay.

    Kind regards,


  • The lump feels like rubber and small. It's not changed in size  but hard to feel, it also moves when pressed. My dads mum had breast cancer and she survived but I've been told it doesn't come from that side and I'm at no risk especially if it was only one secondary relative. Is that correct ? How common is breast cancer at age 31 ? 

  • Hello there and thanks for getting back

    Breast lumps are common and most will be harmless and caused by a cyst or a build up of fatty tissue called a fibroadenoma.

    At your age breast cancer isn't very common so there is likely to be a less serious reason for the lump. However it is good you are going to the breast clinic where they can take a closer look at what this is.

    Usually when a faulty cancer gene is in the family it affects more than one family member on one side of the family including first degree relatives (mum, dad, sister, brother, child) and often at a young age below 40 years. So from what you have told us it doesn't sound like you are at a higher risk than anyone else.

    There is more information about this here.

    I hope you appointment goes well.

    Best wishes


  • Yes it's just my grandmother as far as I know. If it's a fibroadenoma they won't do a biopsy will they? Will they be able to tell by feel and an ultrasound? 

  • Hello and thank you for getting back to us.

    I think your appointment at the breast clinic is today, so I hope you get more information about your situation.

    It is difficult to say whether they will do a biopsy or not, it will be the decision of the doctor who reviews you.

    Take care, 
