Pea-size lump in neck and ear pain


around a month ago I find a small, pea size lump along my hairline on the back of my neck, I also started getting pain behind my ear on the same side at a similar time. This pain is usually only when the area is touched, it does not need to be touched hard.

is this normal? I get very worried about cancer but I'm worried the doctor will think I'm a nutter if I ask. I was intimately assaulted by a female doctor as a child and have had a fear of GPs ever since so very wary about going 


If anyone has any ideas what it could be, please let me know. It's not red

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I'm afraid no one here can say what this lump may be or what it is being caused by. We always suggest people get any new or ongoing symptoms checked out by their doctor just to be on the safe side.

    Lumps in the neck are often the result of swollen lymph nodes caused by a current or recent infection that often settle with time but if they remain swollen or get worse they should be checked out to be sure.

    I can appreciate your reluctance of seeing a GP because of your past experience. Initially these days a telephone call is the first point of contact and then if needed a face to face appointment is arranged. But if this was necessary you could ask if you could take someone with you to the appointment or if a chaperone could be present if this makes you feel more comfortable going.

    Best wishes
