urgent ultrasound at gp’s request.

I told my gp that i have been in pain and bleeding for days after intercourse. I am weeing every 20 minutes. I have back ache and feel tired all day every day. I have a lower right abdomen pain that feels like a period but isnt because its always there. Periods are more frequent but heavier and very painful. He ruled out urine infection. Had bloods done then requested an urgent ultrasound. This was done withn 4 days. I got a text from the hospital 2 hours after ultrasound booking me an appointment with the gynae oncology department within 2 weeks. When i peaked at the scan, I could see a large black patch with a big cross on it with measurements. I am extremly worried and dont know if this gynae appointment is just standard or if they wil tell something more. Surely if it was serious, i would have had to have biopsy or ct or mri ? Does anyone have any ideas ?

  • I was referred to gynaecology oncology last year from a colonoscopy appointment. I saw the gynaecology dr l was examined and a mri and ultrasounds were requested. I had a results follow up with my oncology surgeon by phone. She gave me the results and booked me in for surgery with her three months later. It would have been quicker if l had another  surgeon l was happy to wait for her. 
    take care 


  • Hello Llat and thanks for posting, 

    I am sorry to learn that you are waiting to be seen at the gynae oncology clinic and can understand that waiting is stressful. 

    I'm afraid I can't shed very much in the way of light as to what the next step will be, it will probably depend on what they think about the ultrasound scan result. Sometimes outpatient gynae clinics do take biopsies of the womb lining - a test called a hysteroscopy can be done to do this and look inside the womb -you can read about it on the NHS website at the link below.  So this might be a possibility but I don't know if it will be what they decide is needed. 


    Not knowing is inevitably unnerving. Bear in mind that sometimes urgent tests are needed so cancer can be ruled out, try and keep an open mind for now. 

    If you want to talk anything over please do give us a ring on Freephone 0808 800 4040, we are around weekdays 9-5. 

    Best wishes,
