Cervical punch biopsy


I had a smear test in December. It came back saying abnormal cells and HPV positive so I went for a colposcopy last week, the doctor say they initially thought CIN1 but now they think CIN2. They didn't remove any cells there and then (I've heard they do this straight away usually) but instead did a cervical punch biopsy... 


My question is, why didn't they remove the cells straight away? And from experience how long do the biopsies take to come back please?


Thank you! 

  • Hi and thanks for the post

    It's not unusual not to have treatment straight away, especially if they weren't sure whether it was CIN 1 or 2. CIN 1 doesn't usually need treatment, as the cells can go away by themselves and revert back to normal. So biopsies are frequently done if there is any query about staging the cells, as they are far more accurate, especially in borderline CIN stage cases.

    It varies as to how busy the pathology department will be, as to getting results back - it can take up to a couple of weeks.

    CIN1,2 and 3 are abnormal cells, but are not cancer - you will have a repeat smear in 6 months and hopefully, things will have settled down by then.

    Do give us a ring if you would like to go over any of this - Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best and I hope you get the results back soon
