Cervical polyp

Does anyone know how long is reasonable to wait for removal. Four weeks ago the nurse during routine smear tried to get a doctor in to see me but there was no one available at the time she said it was quite large. Been referred to gynaecologist and they say I am not down as urgent and due to covid it could take 6 months to be seen. GP says not high risk even though I have been sin 3 before though many years ago. Cervical smear was negative but reading a polyp can give you a false test.  Is it too long to wait, what do I do?

  • Hi Susan,

    Just to try to reassure you, I had a cervical polyp a couple of years back and just like you I had to wait around 6 months to have it removed. Like you, I was told it wasn't urgent. It was absolutely fine, a very simple procedure that took literally 5 minutes. Please try not to worry

    Ashley x

  • Hello Susan-Sue and thanks for posting, 

    I am sorry to learn that this polyp is worrying you.

    Cervical polyps are thought of as benign (non cancerous) growths which is why they aren't usually dealt with urgently, but I think you probably need to talk things over with your GP and tell them what it is that you have read that is troubling you.

    It is true that cervical screening tests can't be perfect and false negative results can occasionally occur, but in general a negative HPV test puts you in a very low risk group with regard to cervical cancer.

    Do talk this over with your GP. I hope they can put your mind at rest.

    Please give us a ring if you want to talk anything over, our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are here weekdays, 9-5.

    Best wishes,
