QFIT test of over 200

My 90 year old mother was recently referred for a CT and colonoscopy due to an abnormal QFIT test of over 200.  Decision was made not to put my mother through the scope procedure given that she has very limited mobility, has stage 4 kidney disease and regularly suffers from edema, cellulitis on her legs and sepsis.  CT scan showed a bulge in the bowel wall.  Doctors advised that should they find anything during colonoscopy, they wouldn't be able to do anything in terms of treatment due to her medical conditions hence reason for not going ahead with it.  Am going to contact the doctor to get a definitive result on the CT scan however does anyone have a view on whether this would be a malignancy?  

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that your mum is going through different investigations. I can understand with all your mum's health conditions why the doctors were reluctant to perform a colonoscopy which can be quite an invasive procedure.

    The qFIT test is a test for blood in the stool not a test for cancer but as the result was quite high there is a strong possibility that the CT scan may show that cancer is present or perhaps a polyp which are benign lesions ( not cancer).  Hopefully when the doctors review the CT scan they will be able to tell you more

    If they do suspect cancer from the CT scan it may well be quite slow growing cancer.

    I do hope that you find out more soon.

    If you would like to talk through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then do get back to us or give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the Best,


  • Thank you very much for responding and for the information. - Jayne

  • Hello. I'm very late to this post but find myself in exact same situation. What was the outcome of the CT? My mum (84) has a reading over 200. She has anaemia too so GP feels the markers are there for bowel cancer. She wouldn't tolerate a colonoscopy but thick I could persuade her to have a CT scan. But having says that, if something was to show, she (or the family) wouldn't want treatment as she's so frail. I just don't want to be adding cancer to the list of worries if it could be something else. 
    thank you. Jo 

  • Hi there

    I am really sorry to hear you are in a similar position - it is such a worry.  My mum is 91 now, when she had her CT scan it showed she had a bulge / abnormality in the bowel wall. Without carrying out a colonoscopy the hospital couldn't confirm whether it was a tumour or something else however doctors assumed that it was the marker of colon cancer - my mum also has anemia.  She has also presented issues which attribute to symptoms of colon cancer.  Mum wouldn't be able to tolerate any treatment as she has stage 4 kidney failure and they wouldn't be able to do anything any way.  If you go down the CT scan route, they probably wouldn't be able to confirm either way without the colonoscopy whether it is cancer or not so you have to weigh up whether you want to put your mum through that given that you say she is frail or whether your mum feels she is up to it.

    Jayne x

  • Hello Jo we've responded to this as Jayne originally posted on this over a year ago and we wanted to make sure you got a response.

    It is difficult to say what may be happening for your mum as although situations can appear similar, outcomes can be different. As Catherine my colleague has said to Jayne, there are other reasons why a FIT tests can be positive. 

    Do talk all your concerns through with your mum and her GP. The doctors will be guided by your mum's overall health and her thoughts on all of this. Your mum would not be having any procedures she did not want or that the doctors do not feel suitable due to her frailty. 

    Take care Jo and if you want to talk things out you might find it helpful to speak with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.
