Positive FIT test and panicking


Im a 41 year old female who has recently undergone a few operations. May 2021 was a partial abdominal hysterectomy for a very large fibroid. Then I had to have the cervix removed in August 

since this second op, I've had lots of pressure and pain in my bottom and stabbing like pain just before I open my bowels. 
had aqFIT test done this week and has come back positive with a level of 60

colonoscopy being requested for within 14 days and I'm panicking like anything now 

is 60 a high level? I don't really know what it all means 


  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having investigations.

    A positive FIT test will tell your doctor that you have bleeding occurring somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract. This blood loss could be due to ulcers, bulges, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids (piles), swallowed blood from bleeding gums or nosebleeds, or it could be due to early bowel cancer. Anything that sticks out into the intestine, like a polyp or tumour, and is rubbed against by the faeces as it passes through, has the potential to bleed now and again.

    Doctors have guidelines about when to refer patients for other tests such as a colonoscopy and the doctor will have taken in to account your symptoms and your FIT result in deciding to refer you for a colonoscopy.

    I can understand how frustrating this  must be for you but unfortunately until you have had the colonoscopy and they have had a good look at the bowel and perhaps taken a biopsy no one will be able to tell you any more.

    Waiting for investigations is never easy but try if you can try to keep yourself busy and your mind on other things until your appointment.

    If you feel that it would be helpful to have a chat with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are more then welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the Best,
