Post Full thyroidectomy... What happens now?


I've posted before regarding that I had 2 large goiters on my thyroid and a biopsy was done as one seemed "odd".

Turns out it was papillary thyroid cancer.  I had a full thyroidectomy on the 30th Dec and expecting a follow up on the 19th Jan. However my question is.

What happens now? I was told they would need to look at my thyroid/goiters post op which could take about a month. What are they looking for? Am I now cancer free or do they still do treatment just in case?

My op was originally supposed to be on the 9th but was delayed due to my wolff parkinson white. Could my cancer have developed since my diagnosis in October? Nobody has told me anything.


Sorry for the questions. And thank you in advance. 

  • Edit: Sorry, just saw this was in Ask the Nurses. Not a nurse, but gave a reply based on my experience of thyroid cancer. Sorry, replied without looking at the forum.

    Papillary thyroid cancer is very slow-growing. It is unlikely a couple of months would make any difference whatsoever.

    Whether they do any follow-up treatment or not will depend on how much of a risk they deem you to be at for reccurrence. They might do radioiodine treatment, which would mean basically that you swallow a capsule to remove any remaining thyroid tissue. It's kind of annoying because you have to go on a low iodine diet for two weeks beforehand and then, you have to restrict your movements a bit for a couple of weeks afterwards as you are radioactive, but it's not painful or likely to make you sick or anything. And there isn't any great rush with it as a general rule.

    It's very likely you are now cancer-free, but they will be able to tell you more on the 19th and confirm if you will need any more treatment. Even if you do, the main job is done. 

    Papillary thyroid cancer is a pretty mild form of cancer for most people. If you are under about 50, the survival rate is over 99%, I think and even for older people, the survival rate is really high.

  • Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and for the info. It's reassuring and it has calmed me, although I still can't help being anxious, the joys of having severe anxiety.

    Thank you again. 

  • Hi and thanks for posting

    Papillary thyroid cancer is usually seen as being slow growing and is one of the most common types of thyroid cancer. The cancer will be properly examined in the laboratory , where the size and  stage will also be looked at. The results may be discussed at a MDT (multidisciplinary meeting) made up of different health professionals who will jointly decide whether the results show that you may benefit from any further treatment.

    You can read more about thyroid cancer, it's treatment and follow up here on our website  

    So at this moment, it's about waiting for your appointment on the 19th when your follow up will be discussed with you. It can be helpful to make out a list of questions you would like to go over with the specialist, as it's easy to forget once you're in the appointment.

    If you would like to have a chat about any of this, please do ring us on Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best and I hope you are continuing to make a good recovery
