Pain in breast years After lumpectomy

Hello beautiful people happy new year to all I haven't been in this site in many many months or a couple of years I would say, I've been so busy working trying to survive in this hard economy here in the US. I have a concern that I need to see if someone has the same problem as I do: I had lumpectomy on my left breast with radiation afterwards about three years ago cancer free thank God, but now I started experiencing a pain in my breast it's like a nerve pain I would say I don't have my doctors appointment for another couple of months for my follow up so I'm gonna call them but has anybody experienced that? I'm getting kind of worried I also have room Atori Atreides which give me pains all over so I don't know sometimes the pain irradiate to my side on my back but it's like muscle pain. Thank you my wonderful people I hope everyone had a good New Year's and we all have a great 2022  

  • Hello, and thank you for posting. 

    There maybe some people on the forum who come forward with similar pains to you, but do bear in mind that each persons experience is individual to them, and may cause more worry.

    Nerves can take time to heal, but if this is a new pain to you since treatment three years ago it would be better to be properly assessed. We would always recommend that anyone who has symptoms that are new to them to get them checked out.

    I understand that you aren't seeing your specialist for another couple months, but maybe giving them a heads up about this, or you speaking to your local doctor, like a GP, might help. You may also have a breast care nurse you could contact.

    Take care Liliana, and hopefully you will know more soon.
