Red spider veins on breast

Hi I have recently put on a little weight and noticed that around my nipples my breasts have red spider like veins that you can see when I stretch the skin you can see then more visibly I havent been too worried as I've not noticed any other changes and coping with health anxiety also it is also on both breasts but more visible on my bigger one 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are feeling concerned about the changes in your breast.

    We are not able to diagnose anyone on the forum and if you have concerns about your breasts that do make an appointment with your GP.

    Breasts can be sensitive to any weight gain so this may well be the cause. When there is weight gain in the breast sometimes the skin can become more stretched and therefore veins are more noticeable.

    If you are concerned about putting on weight you may find it helpful to look at the NHS website called Eat Well which you can see here

    Anxiety about our health can sometimes also make symptoms feel so much worse but if you are concerned do make an appointment even if it is just for peace of mind.

    The NHS have produced some information called 'Every Mind Matters which you can see here

    I do hope that this has helped reassure you.

    All the Best,
