Hpv and lletz

Hi my previous 3 smears come back hpv positive,with no cell changes, but about 8 weeks ago, the results from my most recent one came back with hpv positive again, but with high grade cervical cell changes, on the 10th of December under general anaesthetic I had a colposcopy + lletz, this was going to be done 4 weeks earlier but the consultant tried but couldn't hence having to go down general anaesthetic route!!

im so nervous waiting for the results, I'm even more nervous reading on the discharge letter that operative findings were colposcopy  HDAWR was seen in cervical canal,and lletz performed I'm so worried as don't know what this HDAWR is??Please does anybody know one here?? 

  • Hello Amanda1729 and thank you for posting,

    I don't know what HDAWR is I'm afraid, but don't let that worry you, there are lost of acronyms in medicine and I don't know them all. 

    Medical language in discharge letters often worries people, but this letter shouldn't contain anything you haven't already been told, so try not to let it bother you. 

    Remember abnormal cells aren't cancer and the most likely outcome from your results will be to confirm that you had abnormal cells which have now been sorted out. 

    If you want to talk anything over please do give us a call, our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around from 9-5, weekdays (not BH's). 

    Best wishes,


  • Hi amanda 

    I was wondering whether you found out what HDAWR was as like you it was written in my discharge notes as I had some procedure done 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting on this feed. 

    Unfortunately as this feed was from a few years ago you may not hear from the original poster as they may no longer be active on here.

    It is best to ask your team about the HDAWR as I am unaware of this acronym, I'm afraid.

    Best wishes
