Swollen lymph nodes in neck



I've been following these forums for a while, but this is my first time posting. I found a swollen cervival lymph node approximately 6 months ago, on the left side of my neck. I kept an eye on it but I was too scared to go to the doctors, which I know is ridiculous, but I have anxiety and I suppose I just wanted to block it out. It's about the size of a pea at its biggest. It hasn't got any bigger, if anything it sometimes feels smaller and fluctuates in size, however a few more small one's have now popped up. Also the lymph nodes under my jaw are now quite swollen and tender. I did have covid about a month ago, and I've only noticed these new ones since then, however they are still there and now I'm worried sick. 


I've just seen the doctor, who had a feel and has referred me for an ultrasound and also a chest X-ray as a precaution. I knew he was going to do this, from reading all of your posts on here, however as soon as he did I broke down, as it made it feel so real. I know that's the only way to find out, but I have convinced myself that it's something serious and I can't ignore it anymore. I'm just so scared. I don't know what I'm looking for really, but I know many people on here have had similar experiences. If anyone would like to share their experience or if you're going through the same right now, then maybe we can support eachother. Thanks for reading. 

  • Ahh thank you so much. I'm so nervous now  

    How are you doing? Have you had your biopsy results or have you got to wait until your appointment this week? Keeping my fingers crossed for good news. Xxx 

  • You will be fine, promise xx

    I get my results Wednesday so still a little waiting left to do :neutral:

    Keep us posted tomorrow xx

  • I've just got back from my ultrasound which went really well. There were quite a few swollen lymph nodes, but the doctor said they look reactive and he isn't at all concerned.

    This morning I felt more and quite near my collarbone aswell, so I really have spent the day convinced that it's bad and expecting the worst. I know I'll still be nervous about my chest xray next week, but hopefully that's clear too. 

    Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and hope you get some amazing news. Please let me know how it goes xxx 

  • Ahh that's amazing news! I'm so happy for you  

    I'm sure the xray is still playing on your mind but brilliant that this first hurdle is done and with a positive outcome  

    My little girl has just tested positive for Covid this morning so I can't attend my appointment tomorrow  

    I phoned the hospital number they gave me and they have said that the consultant and clinical specialist nurse will phone me tomorrow instead. I'm so relieved as I thought I'd have to wait another fortnight!

    Fingers crossed  

  • Ahh what a shame. I hope your little girl is okay. I'm glad you don't have to wait any longer though. I really hope it all goes well and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Xxx

  • Hi ladies. 
    just to say I'm in a really similar boat. 
    found a lump behind my ear a couple of months ago. Dr did blood test and wasn't concerned but I pushed for a referral to a consultant, and managed to get this under the 2 week wait. 
    since then, I have found a lump above my collarbone, which dr Google tells me is not good news. There may be more but I have stopped checking myself.. I almost can't cope with the knowledge. 
    I was due my hospital appt on Monday but I got covid and had to push it back. It's been rescheduled to Friday 26/11 (in two days) and I could not be more frightened if I tried. I am so worried I have lymphoma. 
    Like everyone, I'm hoping to be referred for an ultrasound and biopsy which will tell me once and for all. 
    sending love to you, 

    danielle x

  • Hey Danielle, sorry to hear you are worried. It's such a draining time isn't it? 

    My consultant phoned today but unfortunately my biopsy results are still not ready yet so I will be waiting a little longer :neutral:

    She is sending me some appointments for emergency scans but because I've tested positive for Covid I can't attend until the 3rd of Dec so it's another waiting game.

    But, on a positive note, nothing has been confirmed so there's still a chance it's nothing malignant :grin:

    Hope you get some positive news soon xx

  • Hi Danielle, 

    I'm so sorry you're going through this too. It's such a scary time. What I will say is that it's very unlikely for this to be Lymphoma or anything serious, and much more likely to be a reactive lymph node or something harmless. However, I know that probably won't help as it didn't help me to stop worrying. I feel like a hypocrite even giving you advice, as I've spent the last week constantly worrying, checking for lumps, googling and stressing myself out...constantly obsessing over it. I've even had dreams about it.

    Like you, I felt absolutely certain that this was lymphoma or something really serious. Yesterday morning I found some lumps around my collarbone and that convinced me even more. However, I went for my ultrasound and the doctor was so calm and wasn't worried in the slightest. He said they look like reactive lymph nodes. When I arrived and said I was nervous, the doctors even said 'Oh no, in your mind you're dying from Lymphoma, aren't you?' I know that sounds odd when I type it on here, but it was said in a really nice, jokey way and they basically said that 9 times out of 10, the patient feels that way. And that even they worry as doctors and struggle not to assume the worst if they're unwell.

    Even though I basically got told that there's nothing to worry about, I still don't feel 100% reassured. Part of me is relieved, but part of me wonders whether they could have missed something. I have my chest x-ray next week which I'm worried about, but hopefully if that's also okay, then I'll relax.

    I've noticed that lots more lymph nodes have popped up since I first saw the Gp and was waiting for my ultrasound...and I'm wondering whether the stress or me constantly messing with them could have caused that. It seems very strange that more have suddenly appeared when I'm so worried about it. They are definitely there, but I don't don't trust myself anymore in case my anxiety is somehow making it worse. Today my neck feels a bit tight and my collarbones sore, but I've not messed with them to see how they go. 

    Anyway, sorry for such a long reply. But if you ever want to talk I'm happy to listen. I'm sure everything will turn out OK and hopefully on Friday they can manage to put your mind at rest. But I completely understand how you feel and usually it is our own anxiety making things seem so much worse than it really is. But it's horrible feeling so alone and so scared. 

    Sorry to hear you've had covid and I hope you're feeling better Xxx

  • Aww I've been thinking of you today. I'm so sorry you haven't got the results today. I really hope they come back soon with some good news. The wait must be awful. 

    Yes there's a really good chance that it's nothing to worry about and hopefully this will all be a distant memory soon. I hope you make a quick recovery and feel better soon. Xxx

  • Oh thank you so much for that reply, firstly- the anxiety is so raw and you seem to understand perfectly, and secondly- you have had your ultrasound and have been given good news so it's great for me to hear this type of story.

    I'm so pleased to hear that your Dr's have given you some type of reassurance. I know it's never enough for the anxious mind and we continue to terrorise ourselves with 'what if's'!! I'm sure you will get a handle on this in time. I have found limiting the amount of times I allow myself to touch my raised glands has helped me have calmer periods throughout the day. 

    I am praying that tomorrow brings some sort of reassurance for me. It is an appointment with a consultant- I have no idea if I will get an ultrasound there and then or if he will just order one for the future and I'll be back to the waiting game. But I'll be one step closer to knowing what these pesky glands are all about. 

    On the plus side, I managed to get a full 8 hours sleep last night without taking any sleep aids.. which is the most I've had for weeks, possibly months.

    Thanks again for your lovely response, it has been so helpful. I'll pop back in tomorrow if I remember and let you know how it went at the hospital. 

    Danielle xxxxx