What to do if you find your cervical smear too painful?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. A couple of years ago I went for my first cervical smear but I found it too painful and the nurse couldn't get the sample. A few weeks later I rebooked and tried again but the same thing happened. What should I do? I feel a bit scarred by the whole thing and don't know what to do. Is it even possible to have an anaesthic during the exam? I feel like that is my only option now as the thought of trying again is terrifying. 

  • Hello Mumoftwo,

    I am sorry to hear about your experience of having a smear test done.  For there to be any point in doing the test it is important that they get a good enough sample of cells which is why they needed to do five sweeps. There needs to be enough cells to make the test viable if there is not the test will come back void and need to be repeated. 

    As far as I know there is no choice in brush size, the specific ones used are chosen by the NHS as the best type to use.

    If you feel that you were not treated appropriately you have a right to complain. You might find it would be helpful to talk with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). You can find information about this service and how to contact them in your here  www.nhs.uk/.../

    Take care,


  • For doctors that say smear tests don't hurt, they bloody do!! Needed Entinox for mine and glad I stood my ground about my disabilities and knowing what I need. When you're faced with doctors pushing you to not use Entinox and push you to do things you know for a fact you're incapable without tremendous pain it can be hard. ‍

    My MALE Dr said yesterday (16 march 2022)

    "if you can have sexual intercourse then you can do this" 

    I disagreed entirely stating it's a different thing altogether!!!

    I was THIS CLOSE to telling him to try and tell me that sex statement again once he's GROWN a vagina! Cause I know he wouldn't be able to.

    Belittling women who KNOW THEIR BODY AND KNOW THEIR LIMITS DUE TO DISABILITIES IS NOT A GOOD THING and you do this by pushing and pressuring women to do things against their will or that would leave them in unecessary discomfort or pain.

    I called ahead to make sure they'd have Entinox and he just didn't know how to work the thing, I'm glad I got Entinox but the stirrups messed with my pelvis and I limped home from the bus (with my cane) and I'm swollen and tender now and cramping.

    But IT'S OUR BODIES and our right and I should never be put in a position where pain could make me faint or vulnerable let alone put the medical professionals around me at risk as they couldn't lift me if I fell it's against hospital policy! 

    I was told I have PCOS and Endometriosis and apparently they can make smear tests more painful so it's not just my Hypermobility and ligaments, muscles, joints and tendons that are inflamed OR my pelvic issues that can make it more painful but those conditions can too.

    I should not have had to fight for the right to use Entinox especially when it's medically required and I am in this much pain and was in a lot of pain leaving there.

    Never wanna see that chair again!!

  • Hello there

    I am so sorry to hear about the pain and discomfort you experienced when you had your cervical screening yesterday. As you say many people do struggle with this and having other health conditions alongside this must make it a much worse experience for you.

    Everyone is different and it is important that people talk through their fears, difficulties and previous experiences with their GP or practice nurse prior to their appointment so that things can be put in place to try and make it a more bearable experience.

    Some areas of the country have been trialling a hpv testing self swab that can be carried out by patients at home. The only down side to this is if the result comes back positive then the usual cervical screening test would also need to be carried out to check for abnormal cells. You can read more about this here.

    Wishing you all the best and hope you are feeling much better today.

    Take care


  • Hi Naomi,

    Your advice is good but I did DO ALL of that and the Entinox was put in place for that very reason. It's a sad fact that the hospital senior Dr didn't know how to work it and instead of getting someone from A and E to show him he chose to waste time trying to argue and pressure me into doing it without the Entinox even liking Cervical Smears to Sex which was highly offensive and incorrect.

    I know my body and I barely managed as I said with the Entinox. I would consider having it done under Anaesthesia but I have lost all trust in Doctors due to their actions and actual abuse I have had to endure because my disabilities are invisible.

    Assumptions are always made and my medical notes are filled with hateful and spiteful lies about me and malicious comments.

    The problem I had last time I needed smear was with the Entinox too, it was not working and the lady would not believe me as the valve must have malfunctioned or blocked and she too wasted time and deliberately hurt me and was aggressive with me due to frustration and the fact she was now behind with patients.

    It is NOT to be tolerated.

    And when you speak out about hospital staff being abusive they seem to have this spoonfed skewed perspectives that because they are professionals they somehow CAN'T be unprofessional or abusive and it's wrong.

    As a woman my body should never be mistreated or physically assaulted (yes I got police involvement nothing could be done as it was the NHS's word against my own) or mistreated or harmed at the hands of people we are SUPPOSED to trust.

    Because of the abuse I stopped all my pain meds and despite being in more pain that DID change the way I was treated in hospital as they were no longer taking their frustrations out on me or slamming trolleys down on my arms cause of my poor mobility and their lack of disability awareness.

    This is the first time in a year any Dr has just shunned what I say about my disability and tried to force me into the chair without entinox, which I may add as a gynae he should appreciate the fact it's NOT built for people with severe SPD and my hip dislocated on the way home and I ended up limping.

    I am fed up of telling GPs and Drs the FACTS and them overulling them with their own ignorant opinions on me when they do not know me or have to live with the disabilities I do.

    The home test would help a lot of women and that is great but it would not help me due to my conditions and Mobility issues. I doubt I'd be able to get what they needed. 

    I have a painful and terrible time already with pessary inserts for thrush!

    We aren't allowed WITNESSES in with us so the abuse just gets shoved under the carpet as it is your word against theirs and I refuse to use any complaints system after the fact it caused more abuse and created a mentality that seemed to bring staff on the NHS versus me but it's not versus, it's not a war, I just want respect and no abuse and no mistreatment and we should be working together to get it not having to take abuse and unprofessional behaviour from professionals and when you complain have lies written about you which leads to more frustrated staff already got it in their heads that I'm going to be problematic when I am NOT PROBLEMATIC I am SIMPLY JUST DISABLED.


    Big time!



  • I found this chat after googling can I have anaesthesia during my cervical screening,  as I've always found them uncomfortable painful and distressing, and I can't even bear the word smear. I got my letter this morning inviting me for my next screening and I just feel sick. My last experience was not great and I came home feeling violated, not listend to and in pain, I'd rather give birth again or go to the dentist than have this done.  But I'm so glad I found this chat as for years I felt like I was the only one He felt like this, I know we are probably in the minority but surely if they want to encourage more women to be screamed they should make it a positive experience, I think even a small amount of Entonox would make it easier to cope for me but I don't know if that is something they would offer or I could ask for. I had abnormal cells about 14 years ago and at my colposcopy appointment I couldn't tolerate it so I had  to have a general aesthetic. Is it money/cost/fumding the reason that GP's don't offer  any form of anaesthesia to make the experience more comfortable  or is it just that we are women and we are expected to get on with it? we give birth, have sex, so why can't we do this? Because it's completely different , those experiences are natural where as having a medical instrument inserted into your vagina is not.  We shouldn't just have to accept the pain and trauma of this and clinicians should accept that for a lot of women this is the reality.

     I've waited so long to express this so thank you


  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am so sorry to hear about your past experiences and the worry that it is causing you.

    At a GP's surgery it would not be possible to give a general anaesthetic as they don't have access to anaesthetists who would be able to put you to sleep.

    There can be many reasons why women find a smear test painful and you can read more about this by clicking here

    I would contact your surgery and try and have a conversation with one of the nurses about your past experience with having a smear. When women are anxious or worried it can make our bodies much more tense which makes it harder for the nurse to insert the speculum in to the vagina so the cervix can be looked at and the sample taken. Hopefully they will be able to reassure you. This in turn will make your body relax and hopefully make the smear test more comfortable.

    There may be different things that you could discuss with the nurse such as for some women it might be that there is a physical problem, for example the cervix might not be lying in the normal position or there could be inflammation in the vaginal area (due to infection) which can make it more uncomfortable (but not impossible) to insert.

    Using a smaller speculum ( they come in a range of sizes) might help. If a vagina is dry then using a vaginal cream may help ease the speculum into the vagina more easily. For some women lying in a different position; for example lying on the side can also make it easier to insert.

    You may find it helpful to have a read on the government website which has information for those that find it difficult to attend a cervical screening appointment. Have a look here

    You have posted in 'ask the nurses' but if you post in another thread then perhaps you will get some more replies from others in a similar situation.

    I do hope that you manage to have a chat with one of the nurses or doctors at the surgery so they are aware of how you feel and perhaps have suggestions to make the procedure more comfortable.

    All the very best,


  • Hi MissSG126. I know this is a old post but wondering if you have since managed to get it done? I have had a similar expereince and still need to rebook to try again but still so nervous at the thought of it. I took some diezepam last time but it didn't kick in in time so will be taking it earlier next time. it's good to know im not alone with this expereince. The nurse I saw last time was nice enough and told me to book a double appointment next time but she also kinda acted almost like I was the only person that ever had this issue lol. I remember feeling ashamed that I struggled so much. it really isn't just a bit uncomfortable for some of us. 

  • I'm so happy to find this forum. I had my second attempt attempt today after an unsuccessful attempt a couple of weeks ago. It was a different nurse today and she tried a couple of different sizes but the pain was just too much, I tried to bear through it and didn't complain at all but she stopped because she could see how much it was hurting. Her only advise was to go and see the doctor to see if they can help with the pain but am scared of this prospect. I spent 10 minutes crying in the toilets questioning why I couldn't handle it when you're always told it's not supposed to be painful so it's nice to know that I'm not alone in my situation.

  • Hi

    was this offered at a hospital or doctors? 
    I have mine at the doctors with a nurse and I don't think they can offer general anaesthesia there but I'm phoning tomorrow to reschedule and speak to someone because I now find them too painful and have panic attacks and major anxiety over them 

    thanks in advance 

  • Good evening,

    I just "tried" to have my second smear test and... it was an horrible experience. Actually, it was worst than the first time.

    I just read on the Web that other options (speculum made from silicone) exist that would be less painful for women. However, doctors/nurses haven't been keen to adopt these options so far. Why? For sure, it's best to use a 150-year-old instrument for a test that has a really bad reputation. Instead of trying to improve the experience for women, it's best to put the blame on us. Of course.

    If I have issues with the smear test, it's because I haven't had enough sex! The nurse asked me that question earlier. Brilliant! 

    Instead of changing the name of the test (smear test for cervical test) or terryfing women if we don't take the test, it would be great if the medical community was a bit more open-minded for... innovation!

    Last point, the nurse didn't specify that it would have been possible to use a smaller speculum. 

    I'm ***!