Breast Lump


I found a lump in my breast around two months ago and I have now had to letter calling me to a clinic. 

Please could someone let me know what to expect, all I know is that I'm seeing a nurse. When I asked over the phone the receptionist couldn't provide me anymore details. How long will I be there? What will happen? Quite nervous 

Also, I'm a student at university, should I apply for mitigation? I'm not sure what to do? I feel a little lost?

I'm thinking of the worst case scenario and that it is the c-word. I'm 19 so I've been told that it's unlikely but until I get a confirmation I don't want to just think it's nothing. 

Any advice in this situation is most appreciated. Thank you in advance. 


    Hi Youngcreative,

    Why not phone your GP and tell him/her that you have changed your mind and now want to be referred to the breast clinic - after all, it's a woman's perrogative to change her mind!

    It is only natural to be worried, but a referral would help to put your mind to rest.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Luckily I managed to call and am getting a referral!! The call was less complicated than I originally thought it would be which was a nice surprise.

    Thank you for your support and kind words :)


    Hi Youngcreative,

    I am so glad that you contacted your GP again and managed to get a referral. You will normally be seen within 2 weeks from referral, although this can take a little longer in some areas, due to the current pandemic.

    I hope that it all goes well and that nothing untoward is found. Do please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx