Cervical cancer


I hope your all ok. 

Back in 2017 I had a loop laser done as my smear test came back CIN3 and HPV positive. After that I had my next smear and all came back clear in 2017.

I knew I was due a smear just before lockdown so I called the doctor and got told 'it's not really important right now' and I wasnt allowed to book. I now have had it just done and the nurse wasnt happy with how it looked and got the doctor in and she also wasnt happy as it had started bleeding when having the sample taken a lot. Her words were it doesnt look happy and I just want to get you straight to the hospital on a 2 week referral. The hospital got me in the next available which is next Wednesday and I'm going to my mind. 

I'm expecting the worst as I'd rather prepare myself for it but has anyone been told before that it doesnt look right and looks unhappy? 

Any feedback would be great 

Thankyou xx

  • Hi Florence


    Waiting is always horrible but I wish you all the best with your appoirntment on Wednesday. Hopefully there will be a more straightforward explanation which is not too serious and can be dealt with simply. 


    I’ve been unlucky enough to have had cervical cancer twice in the last 18 months but am doing well now, so if I can help with anything please let me know. x

  • Hi,

    I did have symptoms that I ignored for too long. I didn't have a smear for about 15 years AND I was a heavy smoker. At age 48 I started missing periods, having spotting and a watery, smelly discharge. I thought may be it was menopause. Then I started losing a lot of weight, I couldn't eat and felt really full all the time,  and was so fatigued I could barely walk from my car to a building from the parking lot (not far).   Lucliky for me, my cancer was slow growing and it was caught at stage 2A.  Hope this helps - let me know what you find out at your appointment, if you would like.

    Laura xx

  • Aww bless you I'm so sorry but I'm glad your doing well now. 

    Thankyou for your reply. 

    I hope so, these days are dragging. 

    I dont have any symptoms or anything so if I did have something I am hoping it would be early but then I suppose not everyone gets symptoms. Will see what Wednesday brings xx

  • Aww bless you. It must off been a very scary time for you but I'm so glad your doing well now. 


    I'm due on my period and worried incase they arnt going to be able to do the appointment on wednesday, I spoke to a receptionist and she said it would be ok but she didnt no what my appointment actually was. I will let you know how it goes x

  • Good luck for your appointment, let me know how you get on. Stay brave x

  • Thank you Laura and amazing you are a cervical cancer survivor and I hope you are well now?

    im just waiting on biopsy results but my consultant said he wasn't worried, so fingers crossed. X

  • Hey, 


    Just got back, went really well. My smear had come back negative to them and they looked incase and said everything looks fine. The doctors dont always see ones that have had some removed before so they dont always know what it is suppose to look like so they send you here to be on the safe side. 

    I've been beside myself yesterday and today and not been in a good way. The weight has just been lifted off my shoulders so much. 


    When are they expecting your results? Xx

  • Aww that's amazing news! So pleased!!

    well they said 2-6 weeks so will feel like forever won't it :(. I'm assuming it will come on the post, I'm really not too sure. I'm still bleeding so bit fed up.

    you should have a glass of wine and relax tonight x

  • I cried with happiness. 


    Aww let's hope its nearer the 2 weeks for you. You'll have to let me know when you get your results and all my fingers are crossed for you. I suppose after having that removed you may bleed a while though? I'm not sure but I'd imagine. 


    Yes I definitly am, probably end up with a bottle Haha xx