Worried sick - cervical cancer?

Hi All,

I am such a mess right now, I don't want to speak negatively over myself but I think something is horribly wrong.

For the past few months after my period for a few days I will have spotting, either watery blood red or red streaks for a few days at a time. I often ride a bike so was unsure whether the activity was triggering it or not. I have been having persistent cramping and achey pain in my upper left abdomen which has not shifted for weeks now which could be diet related as I have IBS but I'm not so sure anymore. I went to the sexual health clinic as I thought it could be an STI as I also noticed some weird bumps which turned out to be genital warts. I used the solution and the warts were gone so I thought that was taken care of, but the spotting and cramping pain is still here.

I recently got a smear done and my GP confirmed today that I am HPV positve and my smear was abnormal with borderline changes. That I need to get a colocospy but I am really worried that its a lot worse than this because of the persistent pain. I would appreciate any honesty, if anyone thinks this is cervical cancer or not as I am at wits end. I am going to try and change my lifestyle in the meantime but I'm going mad as I don't have anyone I can talk to about this.


Thanks so much :(

  • Thank you, and thanks for the advice and reassurance. 
    Now on to the next worry. I went to the breast clinic as I had a lump. It was nothing. Just some fatty tissue above my ribs! But with there I reluctantly had a mammogram. I've just turned 40, but as my mother passed from breast cancer, the Dr said she would like me to have one. 
    Ive been to see the breast care nurses before, and they concluded that my mom didn't have a genetic type. 
    On the mammogram there was calcification. Mostly dotted around in small specs. But the dr pointed out an area of about 5 in a cluster, on both breasts. She said that she wasn't too worried as it was on both. But I'm going for a biopsy on Thursday anyway, as she couldn't be 100% from the mammogram. So I'm back to square one with the worry!!! However, they didn't seem too concerned, and the surgeon who I spoke to after seem even less worried. 
    But currently going through my usual turmoil or anxiety and emotion! Along with some (hopefully) psychological pains in the breast of concern! 

    Hopefully it will be the same outcome as the cervix scare, and nothing to worry about! 

    How is everyone else on this thread?? I hope you all had positive outcomes too. 

  • Hi Linze

    It sounds good that no-one is concerned and you should take that as a positive! Hope everything goes well at your biopsy and it’s nothing of concern. x

  • Thank you Minska!

    I spoke to my lovely GP today, when I asked if the breast clinic Drs were concerned, he said "not at all." And he also said its could be from previous mastitis, thrush, etc. From when I was breastfeeding. I only stopped in March last year. So less panic today! He's also prescribed me some diazepam to take before the biopsy, to calm my nerves! 
    I'll keep you updated :) xx

  • There’s only a reason to worry if they give you one, and they haven’t! I went for a mammogram recently and was panicking because they wanted extra images and she got another nurse in. Turned out they simply didn’t have a clear enough image on one side and there was nothing at all wrong. I admit I had some moments of panic, despite the nurses reassurance at the time. My panicking was pointless. But having had cancer it can be hard not to be super sensitive to everything. Keep me posted! xx

  • I can't imagine what it must be like for you! I don't know how you managed day to say without panic! I remember my mom having awful health anxiety after her breast cancer. Maybe that what original rubbed off on me! I try so hard not to let me children know though. 

    Thank you, I will. Xxx

  • It was moments of panic I had-I don’t allow panic to rule my life as that’s no way to live, and I don’t suffer from health anxiety thankfully. The 2 nurses told me they just needed a clearer image, that it was normal to have extra images taken, and that they would have called a doctor in if they had suspected anything unusual. 

    My philosophy is to look for the positive and focus on it rather than immediately focusing on the negative and spending my days worrying. No amount of worrying will change anything anyway, so it’s just a waste of energy! xx

  • You're so right!! It is a waste of energy! X

  • Just had my breast biopsy results!! It’s benign!!! Thank God!!! Now to get a grip of this anxiety. Thanks so much for your support, Minska Xxx

  • Oh Linz, that’s such good news for you! I’m so pleased you’ve updated here and it’s a great result. 

    Hope you’ll be free of all the anxiety now. xx

  • Hi Minska, please could I ask you for some help please in the for m of advice? , I've been having pain after sex Which started 6 months ago roughly , 3 months ago I started having fatigue ,about 7 or 6 weeks ago I started having pelvic pain which got worse and worse now it hurts to sit down , I now have back pain and weekends in my legs , since yesterday it hurts to urinate , I'm having night sweats and I also have pain in my anus I forgot to mention , my fatigue is increasing rapidly and I've had a sore throat since Christmas, I had a full blood count and they said "it was within normal ranges" ( I also have a bad cough I just remembered to add this ) , I feel I need to urinate all the time  also , my whole pelvis feels like it weighs 10 kilos it feels so heavy , I had a smear test yesterday the nurse said it looked very red before the smear , I have and internal ultrasound tomorrow (I don't know if that will help me ) I feel I need a colposcopy but I can't force the doctor to rush that as they are doing it step by step but I'm so ill already , I have a son who is 13 and my anxiety is so high now , my fatigue and pain are the worst symptoms and no matter how much sleep I get , please can you give me some advice as I feel like I definitely have cancer down below and maybe even that it's spreading , plz can you help me with some advice /your experience xxxx