Urgent referral to dermatologist - really worried

Hi everyone, 

I’ve just found this forum and I was hoping for some helpful, reassuring words. 

I am 25 years old and have had a suspicious mole on my shoulder change quite significantly over the last 4 months. Fast forward to this week and my GP examined it under a dermatoscope after it had changed again. These pictures were then sent to the dermatologist and within 24 hours my GP called me to say the dermatologist wanted to see me under an urgent, 2 week referral.

This has made me really worried as the dermatologist has already seen the pictures from the dermatoscope and, from what I understand, it is these pictures which have warranted an urgent referral. 

Can anyone who has experienced this process before please let me know what to expect at my appointment? It’s in 6 days. 


Sophie xx

  • Hello, did you get the mole removed on the first appointment or did they make you another appointment for the removal, if so how long did the second app take? 

  • Hi CBW1221, 

    I can't speak for everyone but mine went like this.

    I saw a GP who referred me on urgent 2ww > I saw a dermatologist who examined the mole and confirmed it was best to remove it > I was scheduled in for another appointment for removal.

    Wait between the GP appointment and seeing my dermatologist was about 1 week. The wait between seeing the dermatologist and having it removed was (unfortunately) 3 weeks. I was then given a 6-8 week for my results.

    It means that the length of time from visiting the GP and getting my results will potentially be 3 months! It has been very hard. I did try to visit a private dermatologist to move things along a bit quicker, but when I told him these waiting times he concurred that "it didn't sound too bad." So unfortunately, perhaps it's just the way of things at the minute!


  • Yeah I seen a dermatologist one week after my GP appointment then after my dermatologist appointment they said up to 4 weeks for a mole removal which was abit confusing as my GP was certain it would be removed on the first appointment.

    Thankyou for your response!

  • The exact same happened to me. I felt kind of deflated after seeing the dermatologist because I'd built it up in my head as "getting it removed today!", only to be told that I'd get a letter in the post with my next appointment.... The GP also implied it would be removed on the day.

    The removal surgery is fine by the way, completely painless. You should hopefully be in and out in 15 minutes. 

    Best of luck with everything.

  • My dermatologist told me it would be a 45 minutes procedure with stitches dissolvable on bottom then removable stitches on the top which would need removing two weeks after so I'm not actually certain what procedure of biopsy I'll be getting. 
    All seems so confusing, yes hope your well.

  • I had exactly the same procedure. I had dissolvable stitches and some that had to be removed after 2 weeks by a nurse (had to go back in for that). The appointment really only felt like 15 minutes however... maybe it just felt like it went by quickly (the nurses were lovely and spent the whole time talking about concerts which was a pleasant distraction!).

    Understand it's confusing. Try not to think about it - that's for the doctors/nurses to worry about now - and take this one day at a time. Most people who get a mole biopsy actually end up getting told it's benign (something in the 70%-90% range). My advice for you is to not Google. Lot of inaccurate information out there which will only serve to make you more anxious in the long-run. Try to focus on doing things you enjoy, and if you find it getting too much, do talk to someone like your GP who can share some more helpful resources with you.

  • Was that a punch biopsy or something else? Hope it is only that long I hate needles and anything like that! 
    I'm certainly thinking positive with it been such a low percentage the waiting game is just horrible.

    Hope for good results for you 

  • This was an excision biopsy. They basically remove the full mole and a small area of skin surrounding it. The needle is the only thing you feel - I just closed my eyes so I didn't know when to expect it. Then there was a small jab and the injection part was over!

    if you can, I would definitely say to treat yourself while you're waiting. I've treated myself to a few books and things I've wanted for a while, when I'm normally more strict with saving. Also plenty of walks, trips out to cinemas etc. just really trying to distract myself as much as I possibly can.

    and you too - hope things are okay for you . Please let us know how you get on when you eventually get your results!

  • Thankyou for all your information you have been a great help! Did you revieve your appointment through letter and if so how long did it take to receive it? 


  • So I saw the dermatologist on Thursday afternoon, and my letter came through the following Wednesday.  So it was on the 4th working day. That said, I don't know if this means anything since the letter can come through any point within a 2 week period.

    Really sorry, I know the wait is awful.