How long did you wait for biopsy results?!


My God this waiting is hiddious, only a week tomorrow since I had the biopsy and here I am at 2am feeling sick with worry. 

I was told 7-10 days so I guess tomorrow being day 7 feels me with fear, the past week has been ok i guess, kept my self busy but i knew i wouldn't hear! As i hit day 7 I'm sick with nerves dreading that private number calling me, yet, wanting it to call me so i can be done with this hiddious waiting game. 

How long did you wait?! 


  • You can have alsorts of tests privately but they will still need to go through the same labs to be anylised unfortunately the wait would be the same. Some tests take longer than others l had a frozen section during the operation they took the lump to the lab froze it and looked at it under the microscope so the results were immediately available. They still send it for formal tests as well. 
    l do hope you have your test back soon with a benign results 

    take care 


  • Thank you to everyone who has replied to my message  x

  • I am at day 14 with no results from endometrial biopsy. I was initially told 7 days, then Friday I was told my MDT were meeting to discuss it that day and I would be called in the afternoon, then today I was told they didn't because the histology had not come back and that it would be this Friday coming. Thisis all despite it being an urgent case.


    While it is partly due to different types of testing methods, it seems that the bigger problem is backlogs.

  • 1 was always told 4-6 weeks and when I questioned this was told it's the pandemic and given a piece of paper saying this 

    I feel like anyone now isn't going to get best outcomes due to delays and there isn't anything we can do about it 

    adverts on Tv telling people to go to doctor if they are concerned about their health really annoy me at the moment ! 


  • Hi Well after almost daily chasing via PALS and the pathology manager I was told my results were done yesterday ( 30th June - 29 days after the biopsy). I don't know if my chasing got the result Yesterday or if it would have been ready then anyway. 

    I called my gp practice for the result to be offered an appointment sometime next week - I explained I just wanted a call to tell me the result as I had been waiting so long and was told a go would call me yesterday - they didn't ! 

    I called the consultants secretary and spoke to someone who initially seemed to be saying no problem I will look it up and tell you but then said he couldn't and it needs to be looked at by the consultant who will contact me in the next couple of days (ie next week) I explained how I had been chasing this result and he said he would speak to the consultant and they would call me - no call! I am assuming it wasn't good news from that response but maybe that's just my anxiety. 

    By this morning, having battled for 29 days to get this result I feel like I have run out of energy to fight anymore. I will wait for them to contact me at some point when I assume they will lay out the next steps. 

    to sum up my feelings about the system dealing with me it's that there is no empathy or thought for the individual going through this experience and I dread having to have ongoing involvement with the medical system 


  • Hi MM23,

    I understand your sense of frustration. I feel like I've spent forever waiting, firstly I tried to book a GP appointment (6th June) and had to wait a week for that finally saw GP 14th June and he was lovely, put me at ease and did a 2week referral to the breast clinic. Went to that appointment (23rd June), had mammogram & ultrasound but consultant couldn't do biopsy, said I needed ultrasound biopsy. He told me the lump within the thickening was "suspicious, but its only 1cm, it hasnt spread to my lymph nodes and it has been caught early" He then said I would have the biopsy done in the next couple of days, and the lump would be removed in a week or 2. That appointment was Thursday last week, I rang on the Monday to find out what was happening and was told to come in for appointment on Friday, so that was yesterday. Now it's a waiting game again for the results. I know it hasnt been long in the grand scheme of things but when uncertainty and worry are hanging over you it seems to last forever. 

    Anyway I just wanted to say I hope you get your results soon and they have a plan set up for you ready to move fast now. 

    Take care and please update as to how you get on.



  • 6 weeks and counting.  Know the results were back with consultant 3 days after biopsy.  No communication.  After 3 calls begging for result indication told they having an mdt meeting and yet still will not disclose the results   Disgusting tbh wouldn't put a dog through this mental torture.  Been 14 weeks from start of investigation.

  • Waited 4 weeks, 5mm deep Mellanoma and told urgent surgery required by consultant. Still waiting and nothing at least until August

  • I've been waiting 5 weeks for my excision results. I was told 4 weeks, but now told  4-6 weeks. It is too long to find out if you have cancer or not. It is really cruel.

    The two doctors I saw hsd both said it looked sinister and a high chance of it being melanoma. Just want to know, because not knowing feels worse than the thought of being told it is cancer.