Scared & very unwell. Stomach cancer?

Hi. I’m currently experiencing some really odd symptoms. Started with passing out back in October,then noticed my appetite was really poor. Felt full quickly. I’ve had post nasal drip for years on my left side only and sometimes rib pain on the left side. I put it down to the PND making my stomach sore or even it getting on my chest. So roll on 6 years and the odd symptoms started. 

I’ve no appetite but have tried to keep eating, then noticed that every time I would eat, I’d feel really dizzy. Then pain in left rib got worse. Breathlessness too and heart palpitations. I’ve been to A&E twice and they said it was Costochondritis. 

Last week I passed out again and went back to the doctors. There she felt my stomach and said that it feels hard. I’ve also had Diarrhea and have lost 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks. So she has sent me for an urgent endoscopy. I’m awaiting to hear when my appointment will be. But meantime my symptoms are getting worse. I can no longer eat anything without feeling extreme pain that radiates to my back. Also the dizziness. And the nausea that come with it too. I’m scared to eat anything larger than a couple of mouthfuls, because if I do, the burning sensation in my chest knocks me for six. My heart races and I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack. I have so many dark thoughts. I’ve been a smoker for 25 years and I have a 7 year old daughter. I can’t bare all of this and the waiting. I don’t feel well enough to leave the house it’s that bad. 

Night sweats and lump under left armpit too! Feel really out of it and nothing seems to help  

Any advice out there would be welcome with open arms. My chest, stomach and back hurt so much. 

  • My appointment has come through for my endoscopy on the 24th January xx

  • Good news.  How are you feeling today?

  • Any news on more tests [@Newbie45]‍ ?

  • No my doctor referred my to colorectal 

    14 day urgent wait I've rung them today they said 3-4 weeks before seen someone because they have had a back log, so I've just contacted pals 

    I have a private appointment tonight with a gastro consultant 

  • Oh no [@Newbie45]‍  - 3-4 week wait with a backlog?!! I wonder if that will happen to me too I was supposed to have the 14 day referral - its the after christmas thing I suppose :(

    Good plan to see the private consultant later; I have Benenden private insurance which is a bit limited but I have my referral in to them as well, they tend to take 3-4 weeks. I was also due to have an endoscopy for something unrelated, so I have a 3 pronged approach!

  • Hi [@MrsElephant]‍ yes I have terrible anxiety I can't wait that long I'm unsure why they referring to coleractal when they know I'm seeing a private gastro consultant tonight 

  • Can’t stop googling every symptom. Keep worrying about pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and oesophageal etc. I can tick most symptoms off all of these. Sore throat for the past couple of years, diarrhoea, really bad stomach pain, feels hard, back pain, chest pain. It’s so hard to think positive when you read all the symptoms. I keep hoping it’s gastritis or stomach ulcers. I have a 7 year old daughter I want to see grow up. I have smoked for the last 25 years and this worries me. But with these odd symptoms I’ve managed to give up. I’m still feeling scared, and like you, I haven’t been sleeping. I wake up in a panic at about 4:30am every morning. Then I have severe diarrhoea and shakes. Body feels stiff afterwards and worn out. Then I spend the day trying to eat anything.  If I eat too much it makes my chest super warm and I feel like I’m going to pass out. 

    How you doing darling? How did your appointment go? Xx


    i saw a private consultant last night gastro he's referring me for a CT colonoscopy 

    howver my bloods have come back some are abnormal 

    waht do these mean anyone else had results like this 

    lymphocytes below range at 0.80 

    and eosinophils count o.00

  • Glad you have the CT/colonoscopy lined up that sounds good.

    Are those your only figures outside of range?  My blood test range says eosinophils can be 0 to 0.4, so not sure if its significant, and lymphocytes range is 1.00 upwards, again not sure what your result at 0.8 could mean have you googled?


    I've been told my 2 week cancer pathway referral appointment will consist of a telephone call.  I think this is a case of not enough resources/funding :(  I'm really confused as I do feel better, but I still have my private referral on the go, I should get to see a consultant there at least - but that wont be until early February.

  • [@MrsElephant]‍ hope you get something sorted in even really anxious now my hospital appointment is Monday 

    one of my doctors I can see my records online she's put bloods abnormal repeat in six weeks then ? Neoplasm