Lump in neck

So, I noticed about 5 weeks ago that one side of my neck was sore. Then 2 weeks later I had ear pain, so I went and seen my gp and he gave me antibiotics for an ear infection, then I discovered a lump in the front of my neck (under the jaw) which the Dr put down to the ear infection. 3 weeks later and the lump is still there, along with the sore ear which isnt showing any signs of infection so gp has reffered me to ENT (he says it's for peace of mind.) I have servere health anxiety and all ive done is Google. I've had many panic attacks and I can't sleep due to all of the stress. One side of my throat is also sore, Dr has said he can't see anything going on in there, only thing he saw is scarring from the tonsillectomy I had 7 years ago. My neck is also sore on and off but I'm not sure if my anxiety is playing a part. I'm also itching random places and I've convinced myself I have the dreaded C. I'm only 26 and I have two young children. All I've done is cry