Lump on top of head

Hi all,

About 2 months ago I came across a small lump on the top of my head, near the crown. It's hard and immovable - feels just like bone - and is painless. I don't think it has got any bigger and has the appearance of regular skin. I have no other symptoms.

I went to the doctor about a month ago and she initially told me to just keep an eye on it, a sort of 'these things happen' response, that it probably wasn't anything to worry about. However a couple of hours later she called me and referred me for a CT scan just for a bit of reassurance.

This obviously supercharged my anxiety. I had the CT last week but I still haven't heard anything so by posting here I'm just looking some opinions on what it might be?

Thanks in advance!

  • hi 

    I'm 14 and I'm worried that I could have something I have a couple small bumps on my head 2 haven't gon away and have been there for months I don't know what people mean by I immovable but it moves with my skin I also have another bump on the back of my head but it's soft and hurts a bit when I touch it I think I had quite frequent headaches before any spots and I still do now but that only happens if I don't drink enough water so someone please help 

  • Hi, if the lump moves with the skin it's a good sign. If they are causing discomfort show them to your gp as they can give something to help them go away.

  • Hi, I have exactly the same, been told exactly the same as you but been told I'll be referred for an ultrasound, did you get any news as to what it is xx

  • Immovable means you can't move it, as in you can try to move it but it stays there x

  • Hi Kayleigh, welcome to the forum.

    I noticed you were hoping to find out how snrckrd got on. Unfortunately they haven't been on the forum since March 2020 so there's a chance you may not hear back. 

    If that is the case, you're welcome to reach out to others on more recent discussions about this topic or start your own

    I hope this helps and all goes well with your ultrasound.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

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