Really worried

Im really worried. Ive just been to my dr after ive noticed bleeding outside my normal period. My period has ended up lasting 18 days this month and i am now feeling pai  in my stomach now its finished. The Dr looked at my records and it turns out my last smear test never received any results. I had this last year in january but looking online there was an issue nationally with smear testing which i had no idea about.  My last smear result before this was in 2012. I know i should have gone for a test sooner but thats something i cant change now. 

I know i shouldnt but have been looking at symptoms online and now am looking at myself after each little pain and imagining the worse. My mum died from cancer when she turned 40 this was from a rare cancer that started in her bone and spread to her lungs and kidney. I have a 3 year old beautiful daughter and the main earner in the house and i am worried sick to the point i am finding it difficult to function. My partner knows what is happening but im feeling really alone.

  • Wow, as a family you have really been through the mill! I think the problem we have today is the internet, there's so much information about symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis that it's easy to get so confused and worried. We all know someone who has battled cancer and it's the big dredded word that No one wants to hear. Having the right support is definitely the best thing to have around you from the point you have symptoms right through to diagnosis and treatment.  

    My husband has been amazing however he has not accepted the severity of the tests I'm about to have, im not sure I am! On the 7th of June my consultant advised that I had to be seen within 4 weeks however the appoints I have had is for 7 weeks!!! I get Bupa with my employer so I decided yesterday that I would go private and my appointments has been made for 27th June which is next Thursday, much better than the 3rd week in July. 

    I feel like time is standing still and 8m going through a wave of emotions. . I just hope the next 1 week and 1 day goes quick xxx

  • Hi concerned38,

    That's great news about your ca125 blood test result. Mine was 30 when I was admitted to hospital on the 29th May. I'm not sure if it's changed since then seen as though the tumour grown an extra 2cm diameter in 10 days and showed solid components. My appointment is the 27th June with gynea so I will find out more information then. I had to go private in the end as I was promised that I had to be seen within 4 weeks from 7th June however appointments for NHS is looking at the 3rd week in July which is now great. I just wish next Thursday was tomorrow xxx 

  • My ultrasound appointment came through today and i have it on 2nd July. Now to try and keep my mind off further thoughts for 2 weeks. 

    Symptoms are still showing today along with a cough that wont go, keep just telling myself weve all had it in the house....... thats the benefits (haha) of having a 3 year old. 

    Thinking of everyone waiting for tests and results at the minute xx

  • Im really struggling with this waiting. Still another week until i even have an ultrasound. I cant concentrate on anything, not sleeping well and im snapping at my partner and little girl and just cant help it. 

    Im not so bloated at the minute which is a bonus but still having my other symptoms. 

    I know that everyone is going through the waiting game but just want this to be over. I have lots of shifts at work now so hoping that will take my mind off things until next tuesday. 


  • I'm so sorry you are struggling so much. Please try to remember CA125 AND HIGH platelets can be linked to other conditions and doesn't necessarily mean cancer. I truly understand how worrying it is and how hard it is to think of anything but however, I am trying to cl8ng to anything positive I may have. In my case it's age. 

    If I'm completely honest I am absolutely petrified of the prospect of potentially needing a full hysterectomy.   I'm 37 and I have been blessed to have 2 beautiful children. My husband and I have talked about another baby and now that may not ever happen. I'm struggling to deal with that and the prospect of what the tumour may be. 

    2nd July will soon be here lovely xxx