Cervical Screening - results delay?

Hi all

I had a smear test on 8th March and was told that my results will be back most likely in a couple of weeks but no later then a month. It’s been 2 months now and I still haven’t heard anything.

I will call my surgery tomorrow but wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing delays at the moment. I’m in the North East. I really hope mine haven’t got lost because it was a really unpleasant experience and I’d rather change doctors then visit this particular nurse again.


  • Hi, I had my smear end of October - rang my GP endless times to be told there was a back log of 10 weeks and not to worry as if anything was wrong I would get a call.

    week 14 this week, had a letter yesterday from the hospital to say abnormal cells and HPV high risk positive, awful shocking service - luckily I'm booked in for my colposcopy tomorrow - to say my anxiety is through the rough is an understatement. 

  • Hi Bek28 

    no words :( I said this to the nurse that having to wait all that time and then be told something is wrong must just be gut wrenching . I hope tomorrow goes well and they will be able to nip it quickly . Your anxiety levels must be sky high knowing you have waited all this time and now received the news no one wants to hear . You are getting treatment and I'm sure there is masses of support on here to help you . 
    good luck , be strong and be positive - x