Loss of voice for over a month

Hi everyone

I'm curious as to the percentages of females that have larynx/throat cancer ? And ages if possible please

I lost my voice over a month ago (minimal speech not even hoarseness)with a persistent cough for months. I have had a lump in my throat and lost weight due to the swelling in my neck. I also have been coughing blood . I don't have a chest infection or pneumonia though and antibiotics did nothing. I also do not have laryngitis which I assumed it could be.

I went to my doctor on Tuesday and was told to go for an xray the next day which I did. I then recieved a phone call 3 hours after explaining I have had an emergency appointment booked for this Saturday with Ent and a endoscopy. 

My doctor did say they would be looking for anything "sinister" . I was shocked at how quickly they rang after xray but said they couldn't explain anything till I saw consultant.

Obviously I'm worried I'm only human but I was looking at the percentages of young females with throat cancer and it doesn't appear to be huge. So I'm hoping it could be thyroid although my bloods were ok in that department.

I look at things logically so I don't get worried.

Also I'm scared to have the endoscopy has anyone else done this not under sedation? 

How long till results were given ?

Did a biopsy get done at the same time of endoscopy?

Thanks in advance for reading and replying. It's very appreciated. 

  • Hi 

    can u let me know what treatment was given after u knew

    my brother doc kept saying same larygitis

    but found out today it tumour on voice box

    so worried can u give any advice please

  • I'm sorry to hear you've been told you have a tumour on your voice box Olivia.

    I know this must be scary but it's great you're trying to reach out to others who have been in this situation.

    Unfortunately the members you're trying to get in touch with on this discussion haven't been on the forum in a while.

    I do hope they pop back to share their experiences and advice but if you don't get a reply, you can try and find more recent discussions about this to post on or start your own.

    You're very welcome to give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m if you'd like to talk things through with them as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hey Olivia,  I hope you are well   

    My only symptoms were a loss of voice and the feeling of something stuck in my throat.  I lost my voice for 4 weeks prior to me going to doctor and my xray showed a white mass on my vocals.  I then was referred for endoscopy with ent.

    The lesions I had were rather large and sat on my vocals . They were removed in surgery a week later and then tested for biopsy.  

    They did not perform a biopsy before as regardless they had to come out. 

    Biopsy showed pre cancerous cells and I was very lucky at the time to off had such an amazing team and lucky they had not turned into cancer.

    I did however need speech therapy as my muscles were not strong but it went really well.  I was lucky as I did not need radiotherapy or anything else after .

    Unfortunately for me though my tumors have returned recently and I am now waiting on an xray . 

    I am hopeful that they are not cancer and I feel stronger knowing I have done all this before .

    If your horseness continues please see a gp straight away . Do not delay . Let me know how you get on and I hope you are well .

    Kind regards