Swollen lymph nodes in various places

Hello. I’ve been reading through various posts on this wonderful site and have finally taken the plunge and started my own. I noticed that the lymph nodes either side of my neck and under my jaw were raised about 7 weeks ago - they could have been there longer, I just happened to be poking around at this time due to a bit of anxiety about something else. I checked my groin and there were also a few raised either side there too and one either side on my collar bone. Cue googling and… you guessed it, massive panic!!

A few weeks later I saw my GP who said they were probably down to a mild cold I’d had a couple of weeks before, ideally I should just forget about them, but if they were really worrying me to come back in 4 weeks if they were still raised. They are still raised, so I have an appointment to see her next week. I don’t really have any other symptoms but then I’ve read often people don’t - I’ve had frequent headaches the last couple of months, and my body feels a bit achy, but that’s not too unusual for me.

The nodes aren’t huge about 1cm in my neck, just over 1cm in my groin and less than 1cm by my collar bone. The two under my jaw are big, like walnuts, but possibly these are salivary glands? One in my neck has gotten a little bigger (about 1.5cm) but I think the others have all remained a similar size. I’ve noticed one in the front of my neck and one in the back, which maybe new, or maybe I just hadn’t noticed before.

I’ve not managed to find many people talking about this kind of widespread swelling and I’m worried that as the nodes are effected in so many areas that whatever this is could be quite advanced. I’ve looked into other things that can cause this such as lupus and glandular fever but I don’t seem to have the symptoms of those. Thank you to anyone who has bothered to read all of this rambling!! I’d really appreciate any thoughts or support.

  • Hi [@Amie84]‍ !! 

    unfortunately no - since this post I've gone on to find more lymph nodes in my neck and some even on my almost 2 year old (including collarbone) my doctors are basically giving up but it depends on the doctor one a&e doctor I met who I asked to check asked why I hadn't had a biopsy after feeling it so with pushing I have a scan on Sunday - if I get anymore useful info I'll be sure to let you know xx


    if your nodes are below 1cm please remember these are typically normal lymph nodes and not swollen dependent on location ! I hope you get some answers x

  • Sorry to jump on this post but I noticed you said that lymph nodes under 1cm are not considered swollen? I have 2 swollen nodes on the sides of my neck (found a month ago, no idea how long they have been there) and my ultrasound showed they all look normal and the ones I can feel are 24mmx4mm and 18mmx4mm, does this mean I should be very concerned because they are so huge and should push it further? :( they feel like big tic tacs under my skin and my doc just says they are reacting to an infection but I haven't had a cold or any symptoms of one since Christmas! I don't have anything else either except my autoimmunne thyroid disease.

  • [@Annabel124]‍  hi annabel, no that doesn't mean that at all!  Personally I am super anxious about mine because they've been here for a year !! And I have them in my collarbone and my little boy does too :(  And specifically although of course it varies but technically they mean 1cm in the short axis which both of yours are under by at least half a cm so going by the length yours would still be considered okay... but I'm not a doctor I can't say for sure this is just the information I've been reading but I'm sure there are times under cm can be bad and above a cm can be benign but the doctors will know and if they've scanned you I'm sure they would be able to tell if they thought they were of concern! Of course if you are still worried speak to your gp explain your worries xxx


    my partner and his sister have one on the side of their neck long but not in width! 


    also it wouldn't surprise me if an autoimmune disease caused them to be slightly bigger! X 

  • Hi Becky


    Thank you for responding.  Thats good news about your scan on Sunday, I.hope you finally get some answers.


    My issues started with difficulty swallowing around 12 weeks ago, my GP diagnosed silent reflux and lansoprazole.  I then found a lump in my neck, I was still having difficulty swallowing, pains in my neck, a biggish lump under my arm and I haven't felt well for almost a year, The list goes on to be honest.  I have been to my gp 6 or 7 times had full bloods done, referral for endoscopy and neck ultra sound.   Last week I was referred on the 2 week cancer pathway about my neck because i felt my gp wasn't listening. I suffer with health anxiety and OCD and I decided to go private for the diagnostic tests the GP had referred me for in the end. I have waited 10 weeks and not received so much as a letter for my diagnostics with the NHS.

    I had my ultrasound on Monday and was told that my nodes are raised but around 3mm and not cause for concern. Thank god. 

    My body must be fighting some infection because I have multiple node enlarged in different places, hopefully I will get some answers soon.


    Please let me know how you get on

     The care xx